2022-2023 College Catalog

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Library of Congress Classification System Information
Books in the Atlanta Technical College Library Congress Call Numbers.Each letter or two letter combination represents a subject area.To find the call number of a book Catalog (OPAC) at Please visit the ATC Library homepage.
A: General Works
AE: Encyclopedias
AG: Dictionaries
H: Social Sciences
HG: Finance
HM: Sociology
HN: Social History
Q: Science
QA75-76: Computer Software
QA150-272: Mathematics - Algebra
QM: Human Anatomy
B: Philosophy, Psychology,
BF: Psychology
BJ: Ethics
J: Political Science
JS: Local government
JV: Emigration & Immigration
R: Medicine
RA: Public Health
RC: Internal Medicine
RK: Dentistry
RM: Pharmacology
RT: Nursing
C: Auxiliary Sciences of History
CB: History of Civilization
CT: Biography
K: Law K85-89: Legal research
K3154-3370: Constitutional law
K3615-3622: Food, Drugs, Cosmetics
S: Agriculture
SF: Pharmacology
D: History (General) and History of Europe
DA: Great Britain
DS: Asia
DT: Africa
L: Education
LB1139.2-1139.9: Early childhood education LB3011-3095: School management and discipline
T: Technology
TH: Building Construction
TL: Motor Vehicles
TX: Home Economics - Culinary
E: History: America
E184.5-185.98: Afro-Americans
E337 – 738: Nineteenth Century
E740-889: Twentieth Century
M: Music, Books on Music
ML: Literature on music
U: Military Science
UA: Army: Organization, distribution, military situation
F: History: America
F: Local, Regional
F281-295: Georgia
N: Fine Arts
N: Visual Arts
NA: Architecture
V: Naval Science
VA: Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation
G: Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
G: Atlas & Maps
GE: Environment
GN: Race & Culture
GT: Church
GV: Sports & Games
P: Language, Literature
PE: English, grammar
PN: American literature
PN1008.2-1009.5: Juvenile literature
PS: American literature
PZ: Fiction & Juvenile
Z: Bibliography, Library Science Information Resources (General)
ZA: Information resources
Read the first line in alphabetical order: A, B, BF, C, D... L, LA, LB, LC, M, ML
Read the second line as a whole number: 1, 2, 3, 45, 100, 101, 1000, 2000, 2430
The third line is a combination of a letter and numbers. Read the letter alphabetically. Read the number as a decimal, e.g.: .C65 = .65 C724 = .724
The last line is the year the book was published. Read in chronological order: 1985, 1991, 1992

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