2021-2022 College Catalog

COVID-19 Updates

Due to COVID-19, on March 13, 2020 Atlanta Technical College ceased normal in person operations and transitioned to a virtual environment except for certain courses which began to meet under limited lab conditions in late April. In addition to this, below are several other operational changes that were made in special consideration of COVID-19. All changes will remain in effect through the end of the 2021 Summer Semester. Where contradictions exist between the below changes and the College's standard policies as presented in the catalog, these changes shall take priority in the March 13 - July 25 time frame.

Admissions Requirements

No Placement Scores

Spring 2020 Grades

Unofficial Transcripts

COVID-19 Classroom Process and Procedures

Below are the limited lab guidelines that faculty and students must follow for classes meeting in person between March 13, 2020 and July 25, 2020. All persons participating in limited labs on campus must also sign the below waiver.

Limited Lab Waiver