2019-2020 College Catalog

Accounting Clerk Assistant TCC

AZ71 Accounting Clerk Assistant ( version 201812 ) - TCC

Program Description

The Accounting Clerk Assistant technical certificate of credit provides entry-level routine basic accounting skills such as maintaining records of financial transactions. Topics include principles of accounting, human relations, and professional development.

Occupational Trends 

Nationwide employment of accounting clerks is expected to show little or no change from 2016 to 2026. Because bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks constitute a large occupation, there will be a large number of job openings from workers leaving the occupation. Thus, opportunities to enter the occupation should be plentiful, despite the slight projected decline in employment. Long-term projections for Georgia, from 2014-2024, have a 23% increase in accounting jobs. This will require an increased need for accounting clerk assistants.

Job/Career Description

Accounting clerk assistants assist the accounting operations in processing accounts payable, accounts receivable, account reconciliation, and other accounting processes. They provide general accounting support and data entry. They have strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Admissions Requirements

Must be 16 years of age
Completion of high school diploma or GED and submission of official transcript required to apply
Achievement of minimum program admission scores in Reading, English, and Math
Transfer of previous post-secondary credits will be determined by the Office of Enrollment Services

Student Performance/Graduation Requirements

Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and complete all required courses to graduate.


Program Outcomes

1 Maintain and process accounting data and account reconciliation.
2 Classify and process accounts payable and accounts receivable.
3 Demonstrate professional and appropriate communication skills.

Program Length= 1 semester
Total Credit Hours= 10
Program Cost= $1942



ACCT 1100Financial Accounting I


ACCT 1105Financial Accounting II


EMPL 1000Interpersonal Relat & Prof Dev


Total Credit Hours:10