2019-2020 College Catalog

CAD Operator TCC

Program Description (Major Code: CP41)

Atlanta Technical College’s CAD Operator Technical Certificate is awarded to students completing the specialized curriculum taken in sequence as long as the prerequisites or co-requisites are met. The CAD certificate program helps to enhance prior knowledge and skills in grooming students to be productive entry-level computer-aided drafters/designers in industry. This certificate will also aid in the advancement of skills for persons who are presently employed as drafters in a relatively short academic period by including only CAD/BIM software and general supporting core courses. Course work completed in the CAD Operator program is fully applicable to the Drafting Technology Diploma. This is a non-certification program.

Admissions Requirements

  • Must be 16 years of age
  • Completion of high school diploma or GED and submission of official transcript required to apply
  • Achievement of minimum program admission scores in Reading, English, and Math
  • Transfer of previous post-secondary credits will be determined by the Office of Enrollment Services

Student Performance/Graduation Requirements: Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and complete all required courses to graduate.

Course Outline

COMP 1000Intro to Computers


FYES 1001First Year Experience Seminar


DFTG 1101CAD Fundamentals


DFTG 1103Technical Drawing I


DFTG 1125Architectural Fundamentals


DFTG 1127Architechtural 3D Modeling


DFTG 1129Residential Drawing I


DFTG 11053D Mechanical Modeling


DFTG 1109Auxiliary Views/Surface Dev


DFTG 1107Adv Dimenisioning/Sec Review