2019-2020 College Catalog

Industrial Electrical Controls TCC

Program Description (Major Code: IE31)

The Industrial Electrical Controls Technical Certificate of Credit prepares students for an entry-level position in a commercial or industrial environment in which electrical controls are utilized. Emphasis is placed on electrical theory, electric motors, and programmable logic controllers.

Admissions Requirements

  • Must be 16 years of age
  • Completion of high school or GED and submission of official transcript required to apply
  • Achievement of minimum program admission scores in Reading, English, and Math
  • Transfer of previous post-secondary credits will be determined by the Office of Enrollment Services

Student Performance/Graduation Requirements: Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and complete all required courses to graduate.

Course Outline

MATH 1012Foundations of Mathematics


IDFC 1007Industrial Safety Procedures


ELTR 1180Electrical Controls


ELTR 1220Industrial PLC's


IDFC 1012Alternating Curent I


IDSY 1105AC Circuit Analysis


ELTR 1020