2021-2022 College Catalog

Certified Warehousing and Distribution Specialist TCC

Certified Warehousing and Distribution Specialist TCC (Major Code: CW11)

Program Description

The Certified Warehousing and Distribution Specialist Certificate of Credit Program provides instruction that will allow graduates to function safely and effectively in the warehouse environment. Topics include workforce skills, warehousing and distribution processes, technology skills, and representative warehousing skills.

Career Information


Warehouse Worker

Career Projections

The number of jobs in this field is expected to increase by 9% nationally and 11% in the State of Georgia over the next several years. Estimated salaries in this field start at $28,000 a year.
Labor market data was compiled using Economic Modeling Specialists, international and is updated annually.

Career Coach

Please select the following link to review additional career information on Career Coach.

Admission Requirements

General College Admissions Requirements

Program Contact Information

Von Gatewood

Program Coordinator, Supply Chain Management

Academic Building C2207B



Program Length and Cost

Minimum Program Length in Semester Terms: 1 term
Program Credit Hours: 9
Estimated Program Cost: $1,842

Required Courses


Occupational Courses (9 Credits)

CWDS 1540Working in the Warehousing Environment


CWDS 1560Warehousing Core and Workforce Skills


CWDS 1580Warehousing and Distribution Process


CWDS 1600Warehousing Technology Skills


CWDS 1620Representative Warehouse Skills


Total Credit Hours: 9


Program Outcomes

1. The graduate will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply the requirements for working in the warehouse environment.
2. The graduate will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply the requirements for working in the warehouse environment.
3. The graduate will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply warehousing and distribution processes.
4. The graduate will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to use technology in the workplace.