2024-2025 College Catalog

COVID-19 Updates

Due to COVID-19, on March 13, 2020 Atlanta Technical College ceased normal in person operations and transitioned to a virtual environment except for certain courses which began to meet under limited lab conditions in late April. In addition to this, below are several other operational changes that were made in special consideration of COVID-19. All changes will remain in effect until further notice.

Admissions Requirements

Admissions requirements for the 2021 summer and ongoing until further notice have been adjusted per the below guidelines:

No Placement Scores

Assessment/Placement test scores are waived for applicants applying the 2021 summer and is ongoing until further notice. Applicants who earned a 2.6 cumulative high school GPA will be eligible to enter associate degree programs. Applicants who earned a 2.0 cumulative high school GPA will be eligible to enter all certificate and diploma programs.

Spring 2020 Grades

“Z’ grades will be issued to students during the Fall 2020 semester and is ongoing until further notice for students who withdraw from the college due to COVID-19 related issues. Students will need to provide proof/evidence in the form of a written statement of the COVID-19 related issued and how it impacted their studies.

Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial high school and college transcripts will be accepted for admissions for those who may experience difficulty obtaining an official transcript due to the COVID-19 Emergency. Official documents will need to be provided to the institution by the end of the fall 2022 semester or prior to program completion, whichever comes first.

COVID-19 Classroom Process and Procedures

Below are the limited lab guidelines that faculty and students must follow for classes meeting in person between March 13, 2020 and July 25, 2020. All persons participating in limited labs on campus must also sign the below waiver.

Classroom / Lab (COVID-19) Process / Procedures

Daily Check-In

1. All participants (faculty and students) must check in daily at the assigned entrance for the Class / Lab.
2. Participants’ temperatures may be recorded during the check-in process.
3. Participants will be allowed to check in one time per day. Participants must be prepared to stay for the entire class period.

Sick Participants

1. Participants WILL NOT report to classroom, lab, or campus if sick or showing symptoms of illness:
a. Cold or Flu symptoms
b. Fever, Cough, Nasal Congestion, Shortness of Breath
2. Participants will contact their instructor or immediate supervisor if they feel sick.


CDC Guidelines indicate that an individual must be symptom- free for 72 hours without medication before returning to school or work.

Potential Exposure to the Virus

1. If a participant has had close contact with a person with symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19:
a. Participant WILL NOT return to class / work without a doctor’s note.
b. The participant will contact their instructor or immediate supervisor.
c. The participant will contact their local Department of Health Services.

Social Distancing

All participants will commit to the following social distancing guidelines:
1. Act as if EVERYONE has the virus for your own safety.
2. Keep 6 feet of distance between themselves and any other person
a. If, on a rare occasion, this distance is absolutely impossible, everyone should use PPE.
3. Take restroom breaks in intervals; notify instructor when needing to be excused.
4. Wear a cloth face covering when working with the public.
NO outside visitors other than students registered for the course and the assigned faculty will be permitted on campus other than pick-up and drop-off if needed.

Clean Hands

1. Clean your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
2. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

See CDC guidelines for additional information:

CDC Guidlines

Limited Lab Waiver