2024-2025 College Catalog

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Programs Administered By The College

Federal and State Financial Aid Programs

Atlanta Technical College is pleased to participate in the administration of federal and state Student Financial Aid (SFA) programs. SFA programs are designed to assist students in meeting the educational costs required to complete their chosen program of study. To further assist students with the application process, financial aid counseling is available and workshops are conducted throughout each academic year. The following financial aid information will provide you with an overview of the programs available, the eligibility criteria, and the application process. Additional information and/or clarification of the SFA programs may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office. Please note that the information contained herein is subject to change pursuant to federal, state or institutional policy updates.

Federal PELL Grant Program (PELL)

The PELL Grant Program provides federal assistance to students who demonstrate financial need as defined by the U. S. Department of Education. PELL recipients must be enrolled in an eligible undergraduate program of study and must not have attained a baccalaureate degree or a first professional degree. Normally, all associate degree and diploma programs are Pell eligible. However, many of the Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) programs do not meet the qualifications for Pell. A current listing of all academic programs and financial assistance can be found here. Award amounts vary based on individual need as determined by federal methodology and credit hours each semester.


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This federal program is designed to ‘supplement’ the grant assistance awarded to the neediest PELL Grant recipients. Funding for FSEOG is limited and based on the amount of funds allocated to the College each year. Thus, funds are not available for all students who meet the eligibility criteria for this award. Since funds at Atlanta Tech are limited, students who meet the priority deadline date for applying for federal aid have the greatest chance of receiving FSEOG assistance.

Federal Work Study (FWS) Program

Federally funded, this program encourages part-time employment and participation in community service activities such as the America Reads initiative. Normally employed in departments on campus, FWS students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or greater. FWS offers student employees opportunity for financial assistance, exposure to real work experiences, development of positive work ethics and time management skills.

Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally (HOPE)

HOPE Grant

The HOPE Grant component is available to students enrolled in a certificate or diploma program of study. HOPE Grant recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater at the required checkpoints (30 and 60 semester hours) to continue receiving funding. Effective Fall 2017, HOPE Grant pays $70 per credit hour.

HOPE Scholarship

The HOPE Scholarship component is awarded to HOPE Scholars enrolled in an associate degree (AAT or AAS) program of study. HOPE Scholars are students who graduate from a Georgia high school with this distinguished honor or students who are ‘grandfathered’ into the program after attempting a minimum of 30 associate or baccalaureate degree semester hours with a 3.0 or greater cumulative GPA at the required checkpoints. HOPE Scholarship applicants must have a current year FAFSA or GSFAPP on file to be reviewed for eligibility. HOPE Scholarship will pay up to a maximum of 127. HOPE Scholarship recipients must have graduated from high school within the past seven years or received HOPE scholarship funding prior to summer semester 2011. Students become ineligible for HOPE scholarship seven years after the date they graduated high school or equivalent. Students who received a HOPE scholarship payment during the 2010-2011 award year will remain eligible through June 20, 2015, regardless of graduation date. Active duty military service time does not count against the seven-year period. Students can only regain the HOPE scholarship one time.

Combined HOPE Grant and Scholarship Limit: In addition to the HOPE Grant paid hours limit and the attempted HOPE Scholarship paid hours limit, there is a combined limit of 127 semester hours. If the student reaches the combined limit prior to reaching the Grant or Scholarship paid hours limit, the student will no longer qualify for Grant or Scholarship assistance.

Zell Miller Scholarship

The Zell Miller Scholarship covers 100% of tuition for students who are the Valedictorian or Salutatorian for their graduating class or received a score of at least 1,200 combined critical reading score and math score on a single administration of the SAT or an ACT composite scale score of at least 26 and graduated from high school with at least a 3.7 calculated GPA. Students must be enrolled in a degree program, and must have a 3.3 GPA at all checkpoints (30, 60 and 90 semester hours), at the end of spring and at the end of 3 term checkpoint for part time, beginning students. Students who lose eligibility may possibly regain the scholarship once. Students who lose eligibility for the Zell Miller Scholarship may continue to receive the HOPE scholarship if they are eligible. Degree classes taken at any post-secondary institution are counted in the GPA calculation.

Georgia HERO Scholarship

The Georgia HERO (Helping Educate Reservists and their Offspring) Scholarship Program was created to provide financial aid to students seeking a postsecondary education, who are current members of the Georgia National Guard and United States Military Reserves (or their children) who were deployed overseas on active service, on or after February 1, 2003, to a location designated as a combat zone; It is also available for spouses if the guard or reservist was killed in the combat zone, or died as a result of injuries received in the combat zone, or sustained 100 percent disability in the combat zone, or became 100 percent disabled as a result of injuries received in the combat zone. The maximum amount awarded to an eligible student is $2,000 per award year, for no more than four award years.

Law Enforcement Personnel Grant (LEPD)

Georgia’s Law Enforcement Personnel Dependents (LEPD) Grant program provides assistance to the dependent children of law enforcement personnel, firefighters, and corrections officers/prison guards permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty that plan to attend eligible public and private institutions in Georgia. The maximum award is $2,000 per academic year, not to exceed a total of $8,000 for four academic years.

Public Safety Grant

The Georgia Public Safety Memorial (GPSM) Grant provides educational assistance for the cost of attending public Eligible Postsecondary Institutions in Georgia to the dependent children of Georgia Public Safety Officers permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty. The grant covers a student’s total Cost of Attendance that is not covered by other student financial aid.

Student Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria

Although there are specific criteria governing each SFA program, all SFA recipients must meet the following criteria:

  • U. S. citizenship or eligible non-citizenship

  • Selective Service registration, if required

  • High school diploma or GED

  • Enrollment in an eligible program of study

  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

  • Not owe a refund to a federal grant program or be in default on a federal student loan

  • Not have attained a baccalaureate or first professional degree (exception: student loans)

Eligibility for In-State Tuition

Any non-citizen student requesting to pay at the in-state tuition rate will be required to provide verification of their lawful presence in the United States in order to be classified as an in-state student or awarded an out-of-state tuition waiver.

TCSG Procedure 6.2.2p: “Each college shall be responsible for the verification of the lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted student applying for Georgia resident tuition status as required by state and federal immigration laws.”

Any student who cannot be verified as lawfully present in the United States is not eligible to be considered for in-state tuition, regardless of how long he or she has lived in Georgia. In addition to being lawfully present in the United States, students must meet the in-state tuition requirements as outlined in TCSG Board Policy and Procedure V.B.3 to warrant an in-state classification. Students that are initially classified as out-of-state and successfully petition to have their residency changed to in-state also have to meet the verification requirement.

How can a student verify lawful presence?

  • Students who file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and are eligible for federal student aid will have their lawful presence verified as part of the FAFSA process.

  • A clear copy of an original or certified U.S. Birth Certificate showing the student was born in the U.S. or a U.S. territory, A U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State (DS-1350) or a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240). The copy must very clearly show the raised or written seal to be acceptable.

  • A U.S. Certificate of Naturalization (USCIS form N-550 or N-570).

  • A U.S. Certificate of Citizenship (USCIS form N-560 or N-561).

  • A current U.S. Passport.

  • Unexpired Georgia and select out of state Drivers licenses and state ID cards can be accepted under certain conditions. It must be a Real ID and not contain any of the verbiage in the chart below. If the copy received has the top portion of the card cut off the document will not satisfy lawful presence.

  • A current military ID (service member only, not dependent). Documented using the Confirmation of Review of Military ID Worksheet - A photocopy is not acceptable.

  • A current, valid Permanent Resident Card (USCIS form I-151 or I-551). We require both the front & back sides of your Permanent Resident Card to be submitted. It must not expire before the first day of class of the term the student will start classes.

  • Students admitted on an F, J or M Visa will have their lawful presence verified through the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).

  • Students admitted on any other Visa will have their lawful presence verified through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program.


DL/ID Requirements for Acceptance


Must NOT be marked “FN”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term.” Instruction Permits, Commercial Learner’s Permits, and temporary licenses cannot be accepted.


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term” or “Temporary”


Must NOT be marked “Temporary”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term”


Must NOT be marked “Not for REAL ID purposes”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term”


Must NOT indicate “T” restriction


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term” or “Temporary”


Must NOT be marked“Limited Term”

North Carolina

Must NOT be marked“Limited Term”


Must NOT indicate that it is “nonrenewable and nontransferable”


Must NOT be marked “Temporary”

South Carolina

Must NOT be marked“Limited Term”


Must NOT be marked“Temporary”


Must NOT be marked “Limited Term” or“Temporary”


Must NOT be marked“Limited Term”


Must NOT be marked“Limited Term”

Application Process

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the document that students must complete to be considered for federal assistance and state assistance. The FAFSA is also be used to determine if the student qualifies for federal and/or state aid. Atlanta Tech’s school code, 008543 and must be reported on the FAFSA.

If requested, applicants must also be prepared to submit copies of certain documentation (IRS tax return transcripts, letters of non-filing, social security etc.) to the Financial Aid Office prior to being considered for aid.

Deadline Dates

Applicants are encouraged to begin the application process as soon as possible prior to the academic year/term they would like to receive financial assistance. The academic year is July 1 - June 30, and the priority deadline date is July 1st preceding the chosen academic year. Should the applicant fail to meet the priority deadline date, all aid applications and supportive documents must be submitted to the aid office by the following semester deadline dates:

Fall Semester – July 1

Spring Semester – December 1

Summer Semester – April 1

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress

The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions of higher learning to establish standards of satisfactory academic progress for students receiving financial aid. Students must declare a major and be working toward the completion of that major in order to receive financial aid. Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will result in the loss of federal and state aid after the probationary terms.

This SAP policy applies to all students regardless of status, e.g., fill-time, part-time, undergraduate and education programs established by Atlanta Technical College. In order to receive aid, a student must be making SAP regardless of whether he or she has previously received aid. NOTE: New students and/or transfer students are considered to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Students who wish to receive financial aid from Atlanta Technical College must be making satisfactory academic progress, as outlined below.

Students are responsible for maintaining an acceptable level of progress regarding quality, quantity and time frame of work. Satisfactory Academic Progress will be reviewed at the end of every semester. Records are reviewed after grades are posted at the end of each semester.

SAP includes three components:

1. Qualitative Grade Point Average (GPA) (Cumulative): Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0. The GPA is computed by the Registrar’s office on a scale of 4.0. The GPA is cumulative (includes entire Academic history). Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 when they transfer programs in order to receive financial aid for the new program.

All attempts of repeated courses are included in the GPA calculation. Grades for Learning Support courses are not included in the GPA calculation for financial aid purposes. Grades included in the GPA calculation for SAP purposes are: A, B, C, D, F, and WF. Transfers of credits that are accepted into a student’s education program are counted as credit hours attempted and earned in the calculation.

Credit hours for which a student earns a grade of I, IP, W, and WF are counted as hours attempted for SAP purposes. Incomplete grades, withdrawals, and failures are considered unsuccessful completions.

2. Quantitative Hours Completed (Cumulative): In order to receive financial aid, students must have passed at least 67% of all credit hours attempted at Atlanta Technical College to maintain satisfactory progress. The completion rate is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of credit hours the student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of credit hours the student has attempted. This calculation is performed in Banner after final grades are posted by the Registrar at the end of the semester.

All periods of enrollment at Atlanta Technical College are included when calculating completion rate, including terms in which the student did not receive financial aid. Credit hours for all prior terms of enrollment at Atlanta Technical College are included in the calculation, as this is a cumulative measure. All attempts of repeated courses are considered attempted hours in the completion rate calculation. Credit hours for which a student earns a grade of I, IP, W, and WF, as well as all Learning Support credit hours are counted as hours attempted for SAP purposes. Incomplete grades, withdrawals, and failures are considered unsuccessful completions.

Transfers of credit are counted as credit hours attempted and earned in the calculation of completion rate. Exemption exam credit, credit for previous experience, grades for audited courses, and articulated credit are NOT included in the completion rate calculation. Grades which are considered successful completions for financial aid SAP purposes are: A, B, C, D, TR, and S. Grades which are considered unsuccessful completions for financial aid SAP purposes are: F, W, WP, WF, I, IP, and U.

3. Time Frame: The purpose of the Federal Title IV financial aid programs is to assist students in meeting their educational expenses while they progress toward timely completion of their educational objectives. For that reason, federal regulations require that students must complete their educational objective within a maximum time frame of one and one-half times the length of the program in which they are enrolled. Program length is measured in credit hours and is determined by the number of credit hours required for completion of the program. Maximum time frame is calculated by multiplying the number of credit hours required to complete the program by 150%. For example, if a student is enrolled in a diploma program that takes 100 semester hours to complete, that student may receive financial aid (if eligible) for 150 semester hours before financial aid is suspended.

If it is determined that a student cannot mathematically complete his/her program of study within 150% of the program’s length, then he/she will become ineligible for financial aid. In this situation, an appeal would be possible.

Once a student is found to have exceeded the maximum time frame allowed, he or she will be ineligible for all federal and state aid programs. Students may appeal a loss of financial aid eligibility due to maximum time frame requirements if extenuating circumstances prevented them from completing their program within the specified time frame. If a student has extenuating circumstances, and are within 1-2 semesters of graduating, an extended appeal will be granted.

If a student graduates from one program and re-enrolls in another program, the maximum time frame will not be reset.


Financial Aid Warning

Financial Aid Warning

Students who fail to maintain either a 2.0 cumulative GPA or 67% cumulative completion rate will be placed on financial aid warning. Students on financial aid warning will continue to be eligible to receive financial aid for one term only. Students on financial aid warning must meet all SAP requirements by the end of their warning period in order to receive financial aid in subsequent terms. Students placed on financial aid warning who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or higher and their completion rate to 67% or higher by the end of their next term of enrollment will be placed on financial aid suspension and will be ineligible for all forms of financial aid.

Financial Aid Suspension

Financial Aid Suspension

Students who fail to meet one or more SAP requirements for at least two consecutive terms of enrollment are placed on financial aid suspension and are not eligible for any form of financial aid. Students have the right to appeal a financial aid suspension if there are extenuating circumstances that have prevented them from meeting the SAP requirements.

Notification of SAP Status

Notification of SAP Status

All students who fail to meet SAP requirements will be notified of their SAP status at the end of the term in which they failed to make SAP via ATC email account. SAP is evaluated at the end of each term after final grades have been posted by the Registrar. Students who appeal a financial aid suspension will be notified via ATC email as soon as a decision is reached by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee regarding their status. The appeal process is explained within the notification as well as the ATC OFA website.

Approved Appeals

Approved Appeals

For all appeals that are approved by the committee, OFA changes the student SAP status to Academic Plan (AP). During the semester, students in AP status must be enrolled in courses outlined in the Academic Plan, maintain a 2.0 GPA and a completion rate of 67%. Withdrawing during the Academic Plan status will change your status automatically to denied status. Students who fail to meet the requirements of the AP will be denied all forms of financial aid and will be required to pay out of pocket until the student meets all SAP requirements.


Right of Appeal by Students Placed on Financial Aid Suspension

Right of Appeal by Students Placed on Financial Aid Suspension

Financial aid recipients who have failed to meet SAP and who have been placed on Financial Aid Suspension may appeal in writing to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. Appeals must be written, specifically addressing the extenuating circumstances and must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by the published deadline posted on the OFA website and SAP email notification of the failure to make satisfactory progress. Appeals will be considered for extenuating circumstances only, which may include, but are not limited to, the death of a family member, an injury or illness of the student or their immediate family member, or other special circumstances that are generally outside of the control of the student. Supporting documentation must be provided or the appeal will be denied. All appeals will be considered on a case by case basis. All students are required to submit an academic plan to the SAP committee along with their appeal. If the SAP appeal is approved, students are required to follow the academic plan to ensure that the student is able to meet SAP standards. The decision of the Financial Aid Appeals Committee is final.

Students who have been denied because of “no supporting documentation” will be allowed to resubmit an appeal 1 additional time. If a student chooses to re-submit an appeal with the appropriate supporting documents, he or she will still be reviewed at the next schedule SAP appeals committee meeting.

If a student was denied due to “no mitigating circumstances,” this does not constitute as a reappeal. The decision will stand and the student will be responsible for paying tuition and fees out of pocket until all SAP standards have been met.


Reinstatement of Aid

Reinstatement of Aid

A student who has been placed on financial aid suspension will regain eligibility for financial aid when he/she has met the minimum cumulative requirements for SAP. Not enrolling for a term or paying for tuition does not automatically reinstate a student’s eligibility for financial aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements must be met or an appeal must be approved in order to receive aid.


Articulation Credits (AC)

Articulation Credits (AC)

Credits awarded through articulation with secondary schools are assigned the grade of AC. Credits are earned, but grade points are not calculated.

Audited Courses

Audited Courses

Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audit courses. Audited courses are not included in the number of hours attempted or earned for SAP determination. Students do not receive a grade in audited classes.

The following symbols are used to indicate the level of performance in learning support courses:
A* 90-100
B* 80-89
C* 70-79
D* 60-69
F* 0-59

Learning support grades are not counted in the overall cumulative grade point average.


Examination Credit (EX)

Examination Credit (EX)

Course work which is exempted through examination or experiential learning is awarded a grade of EX. Credit is awarded, but grade points are not calculated.Course work which is exempted through examination or experiential learning is awarded a grade of EX. Credit is awarded, but grade points are not calculated.

Incomplete (I) Courses

Incomplete (I) Courses

Any course with 'I' is counted in hours attempted (quantitative). When a grade of 'I' is changed to an actual grade, the course will be considered completed (qualitative). The student has four weeks in the next semester to complete the work. If the incomplete work is not completed by the fourth week of the following semester, the (I) grade converts to an F.

Repeating Courses

Repeating Courses

Repeated courses are included in the qualitative and quantitative calculation. Students may repeat each successfully passed course only once for Title IV (federal aid) purposes. All repeated courses are counted in GPA calculations and for HOPE purposes.

Maintaining Financial Assistance

Financial aid recipients must reapply for financial aid each academic year. Students who fail to renew their applications will be required to pay their educational costs until such time as their continued eligibility has been established. In some cases, the student will receive retroactive payment.

Recipients must notify the aid office in writing if their financial circumstances change (change or loss of employment, change in dependents, etc.).

The Verification Process

Verification is required by the federal government to ensure that applicants are submitting correct information. This information is the determining factor in receiving Title IV funds and is of the utmost importance. The federal processor selects applicants for verification. The College may also select applicants for verification.

Who Must Be Verified

  1. The College will verify applicants selected by the U. S. Department of Education via federally approved edits.

  2. The College will verify all Title IV eligible applicants selected by the U. S. Department of Education for verification.

  3. The College will verify all applicants selected by the U.S. Department of Education, even if previously verified by another institution.

  4. The College will verify any applicant with missing, inaccurate, or conflicting information.

  5. The College may select any applicant for verification if the validity of the information is questioned.

Verification Items

  1. For applicants selected under Item 1 above, the College will verify the items specified in 34 CFR Part 668.56.

    1. The Department of Education has established several verification groups. Verification requirements are specified for each group in the FSA Handbook, on the IFAP website and in other documentation from ED. For the award year, each required data element will be verified based on the verification group assigned.

    2. Students who are selected for verification will be placed in one of the following groups to determine which FAFSA information must be verified:

    V1—Standard Verification Group

    Students in this group must verify the following if they are tax filers:

    • adjusted gross income

    • U.S. income tax paid

    • untaxed portions of IRA distributions

    • untaxed portions of pensions

    • IRA deductions and payments

    • tax-exempt interest income

    • education credits

    • household size

    • number in college

    Students who are not tax filers must verify the following:

    • income earned from work

    • household size

    • number in college

    V2—Reserved for future use by the Department.

    V3—Reserved for future use by the Department.

    V4—Custom Verification Group

    Students must verify high school completion status and identity/statement of educational purpose

    V5—Aggregate Verification Group

    Students must verify high school completion status and identity/statement of educational purpose in addition to the items in the Standard Verification Group.

    V6—Reserved for future use by the Department.

    Reporting results for groups V4 and V5

    We will report the verification results of identity and high school completion status for any student for whom you receive an ISIR with tracking flag V4 or V5—as selected by the CPS, not your school—and request verification documentation. We will report this information on the FAA Access to CPS Online website: select the Identity Verification Results option from the main menu, enter your school identifiers, the year, and the student identifiers. We will then enter one of the following numeric codes that most applies:

    1—verification completed in person, no issues found

    2—verification completed using notary, no issues found

    3—verification attempted, issues found with identity

    4—verification attempted, issues found with HS completion

    5—no response from applicant or unable to locate

  2. The Financial Aid Specialist will resolve and document discrepant application information for all applicants prior to disbursing Title IV aid, and in compliance with 34 CFR Part 668. Some examples of conflicting or discrepant information include, but are not limited to:

    1. Married, but filed taxes as Head of Household

    2. Under age 24, with children, but no income

    3. Income over tax filing required amount, but no taxes filed

  3. Upon receipt of all requested verification documents, the student’s ISIR is compared with the documentation provided.

    1. If all students’ information is correct and there is no conflicting information, the student’s file is checked in Banner as “verified” and aid is awarded.

    2. If all of the student’s information does not match and the total is more than $25, a correction is required to be submitted to CPS through FAA Access online.

    3. If any non-dollar item is incorrect, a correction is submitted to CPS.

ATC financial aid office, may at our discretion, if inaccuracies are suspected, requires a student to verify any FAFSA information and to provide any reasonable documentation in accordance with consistently applied school policies.


The College will require applicants selected for verification to submit acceptable documentation as specified under 34 CFR Part 668. The list below is not all inclusive and may vary depending on a student’s situation.


Verification Item

Acceptable Documentation

Household size

Independent Federal Verification Worksheet
Dependent Federal Verification Worksheet

Number enrolled in college

Independent Federal Verification Worksheet
Dependent Federal Verification Worksheet

Adjusted Gross Income

Signed copy of the Federal Tax Transcript

U.S. income tax paid

Signed copy of the Federal Tax Transcript

Certain untaxed income and benefits

Signed copy of the Federal Tax Transcript Wage and Income Transcript
Other documentation supporting the income and/or benefits received\

Additional Documentation (requested for various reasons)


Marital Status

Marriage Certificate
Divorce Decree
Legal Separation Documentation of separation from spouse


Child Support received/paid
Birth Certificates
Monetary Support Documentation
Worker’s Compensation benefits
Homeless documentation
Court Documents Issuing Legal Guardianship
Third Party Letters of Support or Explanation

The above listed documentation is not all inclusive. Documentation will vary depending on the student’s situation and what the OFA staff feel is necessary to prove the information is accurate and to resolve any conflicting information.

Applicant Responsibility

  1. Applicants selected for verification by the U. S. Department of Education are required to provide requested information or documentation in order to be eligible to receive Title IV student aid funds.
  2. If a Pell or campus-based program applicant's dependency status changes during the award year, or the original application was filed incorrectly, including marital status, the applicant must provide documentation to the OFA and the OFA will make the necessary change. For the 2016-2017 award year, marital status cannot be updated unless the student made an error when initially submitting their FAFSA. Documentation must be provided for any changes to be made.
  3. The applicant must repay any overpayment discovered during verification or updating.

Time Period

  1. Applicants selected for verification either by the U. S. Department of Education or the College must provide the requested information or documentation no later than the deadline set by the Office of Financial Aid in order for aid to be available when classes begin. Documentation received after the deadline will be processed in a timely manner.
  2. Extension of time will be on an individual basis. Financial aid files are worked in the order they are received.

Consequences for Failure to Provide Documentation

  1. The College will not disburse any Title IV funds for applicants who fail to provide requested documentation. No interim disbursements of Title IV funds will be made until verification is complete.
  2. The College will withhold funds for those who are selected for verification and who fail to provide the requested documentation within a specified period.
  3. The College will accept requested documentation after priority deadlines and will award aid in a timely manner when verification is complete.


  1. The College will inform the applicant of verification procedures and requirements through written (tracking letter), electronic, and/or verbal communication. The student is notified of the necessity of verification on the SAR/ISIR.

    a. The OFA will sends emails to students’ ATC student email account, as well as their personal email address, if one is recorded in BANNER, instructing students to check their BannerWeb account for verification requirements.

  2. The College will notify the applicant of the results of verification through written (award letter), electronic, and/or verbal communication. Award notifications are sent to student’s mail.


C-Flags on the FAFSA are assigned a missing document(s) requirement in Banner and a tracking letter is emailed to the student to notify of the requirement. C-Flags that are reviewed:

  1. Social Security Administration

  2. Department of Homeland Security

  3. Selective Service

  4. National Student Loan Data System

Students tracked through the College’s financial aid database with a federal C code data match requirements are notified by ROAMESG and Banner self-service requirements informing them of documents required for further processing of financial aid.

Code File Review

Financial Aid counselors are required to review federal c code data match information and resolve any discrepancies. The documentation must be maintained in the student’s financial aid file. If students submit documentation which appears fraudulent, the financial aid staff member must notify the Director of Financial Aid.

The student’s documentation is reviewed in the following manner:

  1. Documentation is reviewed by financial aid specialist

  2. If additional documentation is needed, the financial aid specialist contacts the students.

  3. If documentation is complete and accurate, the financial aid specialist processes the students aid

Needs Analysis

It is recommended that students apply for all financial aid programs by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The student will receive The Student Aid Report (SAR) which will provide the necessary information to document the student’s established financial need.

For the awarding of the Title IV aid and institutional funds, the College requires a Student Aid Report (SAR)/Institutional Student Informational Report (ISIR).

A student must have financial need to receive Federal Student Aid funds at Atlanta Technical College (ATC). Aid awards are based on the student’s need for assistance.

Financial need is the difference between the students’ cost of attendance and the family’s ability to pay these costs, the EFC. If the EFC is less than the cost of attendance, the student is considered to have financial need.

The cost of attendance is an estimate of a student’s education expenses for the period of enrollment. The total aid the student may receive from federal aid and other sources when added to the student’s EFC cannot exceed the student’s cost.

A students cost of attendance is the sum of the following:

  • The tuition and fees

  • An allowance for books, supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses  An allowance for room and board

  • Transportation

  • Miscellaneous

Calculating Federal Methodology

ATC uses Federal Methodology to calculate need for students. ATC’s academic calendar is from July 1 – June 30. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters and 1 mini-mester (summer semester). This is a total of 40 weeks in the academic year. Full time is 12 credit hours and academic progress is measured in semester credit hours. A payment term is one semester with two (2) equal payment terms in an academic year. Standard Adjustments to Need Analysis

Professional judgment may be used by the Assistant Director to adjust the cost of attendance on a case-by-case basis to allow for special circumstances.

Referral Procedures

  1. The College will forward to the U. S. Department of Education or the College's Business Office, the name, social security number, and other relevant information of an applicant who has received funds based on incorrect information, after a reasonable effort has been made to resolve the discrepancy.

  2. As an employee of the State of Georgia, we are obligated to be good stewards of the taxpayers’ tax dollars. As a financial aid professional, our obligation reaches beyond that. We must diligently administer complex federal and state aid programs and ensure we adhere to the numerous, and at times, complicated, statutory and regulatory obligations. Our students look to us for sound financial aid advice to help them navigate the maze of financial aid programs. It is important that we deliver financial aid counseling in an ethical, honest, and knowledgeable manner. Realizing that at times there will be gray areas on which we must make professional judgment calls, these professional judgment decisions will be made based on our knowledge of financial aid policy, verifiable documentation, and law, and carried out in a consistent and fair manner. We will work with students to resolve any discrepancy or conflicting data. Once we are made aware of inconsistent data, we are ethically-bound to correct it and report accurate data. In no way will we provide misleading or false information to enhance a student’s eligibility for financial assistance.

    As directed in the Federal Student Aid Handbook, should one suspect that a student, employee, or other individual has intentionally misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds, one SHOULD report his/her suspicions and provide any evidence to the Office of Inspector General. ATC encourages all employees to be vigilant in reporting suspicious activity to safeguard the integrity of ATC financial aid office, the College, the Technical College System of Georgia, and the aid programs. If the suspect is an employee of ATC, the employee’s immediate supervisor should be notified, unless this person is also suspected to be entangled in the fraudulent activity, at which point the next level supervisor should be made aware of the suspicions.

    The Atlanta Regional Office of the Inspector General (OIG) can be contacted at (404)974-9430 or the OIG National Contact Information is provided below.

    Inspector General’s Hotline Office of Inspector General

    U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW

    Washington, DC 20202-1500


    E-mail: oig.hotline@ed.gov


Special Circumstances

Students (and or the parents of dependent students) who experience changes (loss of employment, change in dependents, etc.) in their financial circumstances, should notify their Financial Aid Office in writing. Documentation is often required, but this could result in an increase in funding.

It is highly recommended that students who are considering changing their majors, withdrawing from class, etc., check with a financial aid counselor to determine if and how this change will affect their financial aid.

Financial Aid Specialists


Financial Aid Specialists

It is highly recommended that students considering changing their majors, withdrawing from a class, etc., check with a financial aid specialist to determine if and how this change will affect their financial aid. Counselors are assigned based on the student’s last name and/or aid type.

Last Names: A-L:
(404) 225-4748

Last Names: M-Z:
(404) 225-4118

State Aid Programs:
(404) 225-4665

Students interested in Veterans Educational Benefits should contact:
(404) 225-4718

Communicating with Students


Communicating with Students

At ATC, we have found that the most effective means of communicating with students is via email to their assigned ATC student email accounts. Students may provide their email address on their FAFSA or other documentation submitted to the Financial Aid Office. It is the student’s responsibility to insure that accurate contact information is on file in the Academic and Student Affairs Department.

Missing Document Letters

Upon receiving financial aid applications, an evaluation of the student’s data is made. If additional documentation is required, the student is sent a Missing Information Notification via email informing the student to check their BannerWeb account to review all financial aid documentation that is missing. All documentation must be received and reviewed to complete the student’s financial aid file.

Award Letters

After a final determination has been made regarding a student’s eligibility for aid, the student is sent an Award Notification via email. The award notification will inform the student to log onto their BannerWeb account to review their Financial Aid award. Awards are normally based on full-time attendance and will be prorated for each term that the student is not enrolled on a full time basis. Full Time = 12 or more credit hours, ¾ Time = 9 – 11 credit hours, ½ Time = 6 – 8 credit hours, and Less than ½ Time = less than 6 credit hours.


Students whose financial aid awards exceed the direct cost of tuition and fees will receive a refund. Refunds are processed by the ATC Business Office each term. For additional information regarding refunds, students should contact the Business Office.

Refund Policies

Federal R2T4 Policy

Important Notice to All Federal Financial Aid Recipients: The federal Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965 was amended in 1998 and new regulations were established with regard to the Title IV student financial aid programs. Students earn their Title IV federal financial aid by attending class and if they are not enrolled long enough to earn all of their aid, the ‘unearned’ portion must be returned to the appropriate Title IV program.

Title IV financial aid programs include Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work-Study (FWS), and Federal Stafford Loans. Federal Work-Study earnings are not affected by the Title IV regulations concerning the return of unearned federal financial aid. Only Federal grants and loans are affected by this policy. Official

Withdrawal occurs when a student completely withdraws from all classes in a semester before completing 60% of the semester, the Financial Aid office is required to adjust the amount of Pell Grant, FSEOG, and /or Federal Loans awarded to a student to return the unearned Title IV funds. Financial Aid Administrators then use a process in Banner to determine the portion that needs to be returned by the college. The student’s award is adjusted and removed from account. The Disbursement records are sent to COD for processing. The Business Office returns necessary funds to the Department of Education. Students are notified via email of the Return of Title IV funds calculation as well as who to contact for payment arrangements. If funds have already been paid to the student, the student will receive a statement from the Business Office with the amount to be paid back, which the student will be responsible for. Any balance due will cause a HOLD to be placed on the student’s account until all outstanding funds have been returned. Withdrawn students with a HOLD for outstanding funds, will not be allowed to register or access their records until the balance due has been satisfied.

An Unofficial Withdrawal occurs when a student leaves ATC without notifying the institution and/or fails to earn a passing grade in any class. At the end of each term, the Office of Enrollment Services provides Financial Aid with a list of all students who have received all F’s and/or WF combinations. ATC requires instructors to report, for all students awarded a non-passing grade, the student’s last day of attendance. ATC uses this information to determine whether a student who received all F’s and/or WF combination grades withdrew. ATC determines whether or not a student earned the non-passing grade by determining if the student’s LDA for each course is prior to the last day of the term per the ATC academic calendar that is published. If one instructor reports that the student attended through the end of the period, then the student is not a withdrawal. In the absence of evidence of a last day of attendance at an academically related activity, ATC will consider a student who failed to earn a passing grade in all classes to be an unofficial withdrawal.

Order of return of Title IV funds

A school must return Title IV funds to the programs from which the student received aid during the payment period or period of enrollment as applicable, in the following order, up to the net amount disbursed from each source:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loans (other than Direct PLUS Loans)

  • Subsidized Direct Loans

  • Federal Perkins Loans

  • Direct PLUS Loans

  • Federal Pell Grants for which a Return is required

  • FSEOG for which a return of funds is required

  • TEACH Grants for which a Return is required

  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, for which a Return is required

State Refund Policy

The Technical College System of Georgia defines the state refund policy that must be followed by ATC. Should the student alter his/her enrollment status during the first three days of the term, the students’ tuition and fee charges are revised accordingly. Should changes occur after the first three days of the term, there will be no reduction (refund) of tuition and fee charges.

Refund Requirements

Occasionally, a student may receive federal or state funding in error. This may occur due to technical difficulties, human error, incorrect data provided by the student, etc. Please note that federal and state funds received in error, regardless of the reason, must be repaid by the student.

Important Phone Numbers and Website Information

Important Phone Numbers and Website Information 

Important Phone Numbers & Websites Helpful in Completing the Financial Aid Application Process

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application and information


Financial Aid Forms

Visit the Financial Aid Office or click https://atlantatech.edu/financial-aid/forms/

Federal Student Aid Information Center (To Request a duplicate Student Aid Report or check on the status of your application)



Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
(To request a summary of your income tax data)



National Student Loan Database System (NSLDS)
(To check on your loan default status)



Selective Service




Veterans and Eligible Dependents Educational Benefits

Veterans and Eligible Dependents Educational Benefits

Former service personnel, their survivors, and dependents may be eligible for Veterans Affairs Educational Benefits. Atlanta Tech is pleased to offer programs that are approved for veterans and their eligible dependents. To determine your eligibility, please contact the Veterans Affairs Office for assistance at 1-888-442-4551.


If this is your initial claim, complete an Application for Benefits (VA Form 22-1990). This can be completed online at https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/. The Veteran's Affairs Regional Office will process your application and send you a Certification of Eligibility if you qualify. Upon receiving a Certification of Eligibility, you should submit a copy of it, the Veteran Information form, Statement of Understanding, Enrollment Certification Request, and your class schedule to the ATC School Certifying Official.


Once you have submitted the documentation described above, the School Certifying Official will validate your enrollment and send a certification to the appropriate VA Regional Office. This is called the Enrollment Certification Process. Since you cannot be paid for your benefits until the School Certifying Official certifies your enrollment, and he or she cannot certify your enrollment until he or she has your class schedule and Veteran Information form, you must remember to submit a copy of your class schedule and Enrollment Certification Request at the beginning of each semester.

Enrollment Status Changes and Withdrawals

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Atlanta Technical College School Certifying Official of any changes in enrollment status, the program of study, place of training, etc. These changes affect your eligibility and must be reported to the VA Regional Office. If you withdraw from school or drop/add classes, we recommend you notify the School Certifying Official within three days of that change. Failure to do this can result in the loss of future benefits and/or repayment of benefits received in error. Please remember to report any enrollment changes promptly.

Change of Program or Place of Training

If you have been approved for VA educational benefits and then decide to transfer to another school and/or change programs or majors, you must complete a Request for Change of Program or Change of Place of Training (VA Form 22-1995 or VA Form 22-5495 depending on your program). You can get the forms from a School Certifying Official or download it from the VA web site: www.gibill.va.gov.

Address Changes

Address changes and changes in banking information should also be reported to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Since VA will not forward your benefits checks to a new address, it is important that these types of changes be reported immediately. If you close a bank account without first informing the VA, they will send your benefit payment to the old bank account. If the bank refuses the payment and sends the check back, it goes to the U.S. Department of Treasury and takes about two weeks to get reposted. You can change your payment information on the verification form or via telephone at the Department of Veteran Affairs phone number: 1-888-442-4551 (1-888-GI-BILL1).

Time Frame/Payment of Benefits

The time period for an original claim is roughly 120 TO 150 days to process. The time period for Previous Claimed Certification Claims is 30 TO 90 days. Since we do not have advanced pay, the way to effectively work this system is to give it plenty of time. Plan ahead, apply for both VA and Federal Financial Aid assistance, and fill out all the required forms completely and accurately to avoid the errors that will cost you time.

Educational Rates: To view the VA educational rates, please visit https://www.va.gov/education/benefit-rates/.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

All recipients are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) according to standards established and published by the College. This includes a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or greater. If you fail to meet the minimum requirements stipulated in the SAP policy, your benefits will be terminated.

Academic Probation

A student who fails for the second consecutive semester to achieve a semester GPA of 2.00 is placed on academic probation. It is recommended that the students consult with a program advisor to create a plan for improvement.

Academic Suspension

A student who fails for the third consecutive semester to achieve a semester GPA of 2.00 is placed on academic suspension. A student placed on academic suspension must stay out of school for one full semester before applying for readmission.

If you have any questions, please call the Atlanta Technical College School Certifying Official at 404-225-4718 or email veterans@atlantatech.edu.



Financial Obligations

Financial Obligations

Students who are delinquent in payment of any financial obligation will not be allowed to register for courses until all delinquent fees are paid. In addition, students who are delinquent in their financial obligations will not be issued grades, transcripts, or student records until all financial obligations are resolved.

Drop/Add Period

A student may amend their schedules during the drop/add period each semester utilizing their secure Banner Web Account. A student who adds or removes a class from their schedule during the drop/add period will do so without academic penalty. The drop add period is the first three instructions days of the semester/term.

Withdrawal Procedures

The sole responsibility to officially withdraw from the college or specific class(es) lies with the student. The effective date of withdrawal is the date the student notifies the college of the withdrawal. Students withdrawing beginning the fourth day of the term will not receive a refund of applicable tuition and fees. Students who withdraw from school must complete an official withdrawal form with the Office of Enrollment Services. If a student does not officially withdraw the instructors may issue a final grade of F and the last date of attendance, which will be last day that the student attended class or participated in an academically related activity.

Refund of Tuition and Fees

  • Refunds are processed by the Business Office, and are paid to students through their BankMobile Easy Refund cards. Cards are mailed to each new student at their residence on file at the start of the term.

  • Students withdrawing from a course by the end of the third instructional day of the semester and no shows shall receive a 100% refund of applicable tuition (hours below the 15-hour tuition cap) and applicable refundable fees, excluding the application fee.

  • Students whose attendance is recorded as “No Show” shall receive a 100% refund of applicable tuition (hours below the 15 hour tuition cap) and applicable refundable fees, excluding the application fee. Exceptions may be allowed for customized courses that do not follow the college’s standard academic calendar.

  • Students who withdraw from a course after the third instructional day of the semester shall receive no refund.

  • For those students receiving federal financial aid, the technical colleges shall make available Consumer Information that may be found at www.ifap.ed.gov under the appropriate aid year’s handbook. Although there will be no refund of tuition and fees after the third instructional day, withdrawing students receiving Federal Pell Grant will have awards adjusted in compliance with the Return to Title IV process (R2T4) outlined in the Federal Student Aid Handbook.

Canceled Classes

If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a class and the institution cancels the class, 100 per cent of all fees paid will be refunded.

Refund of Books and Supplies

Refunds shall be made for books or supplies that are returned in new condition and accompanied by a receipt in accordance with the college’s book refund policy. No refunds shall be made for used supplies and equipment such as cosmetology kits, diskettes, tools, and uniforms. The book refund policy is prominently posted in the ATC bookstore.

Financial Aid Refunds

Students whose financial aid awards exceed the direct cost of tuition and fees will receive a refund. Refunds are processed by the ATC Business Office each term. For additional information regarding refunds, students should contact the Business Office.

Federal R2T4 Policy

The federal government requires colleges to monitor the enrollment activity of each federal financial aid recipients. A return to title IV funds process (R2T4) must be performed on students who totally withdraw from class prior to the 60% point of each term. This process identifies the percentage of funding that the student earned, which often results in a reduction in the student’s award for said term. Therefore, students are sometimes required to repay funds received.

State Refund Policy

The Technical College System of Georgia defines the state refund policy that must be followed by ATC. Should the student alter his/her enrollment status during the first three days of the term, the students’ tuition and fee charges are revised accordingly. Should changes occur after the first three days of the term, there will be no reduction (refund) of tuition and fee charges.

Repayment Requirements

Occasionally, a student may receive federal or state funding in error. This may occur due to technical difficulties, human error, incorrect data provided by the student, etc. Please note that federal and state funds received in error, regardless of the reason, must be repaid by the student.