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Atlanta Tech Course Syllabi
ACCT - Accounting
ACRP - Automotive Collision Repair
AIRC - Air Conditioning Technology
ALHS - Allied Health Science
ARTS - Art Appreciation History
AUTT - Automotive Technology
AVMT- Aviation Maintenance Technology
AVIO - Avionics Maintenance
BARB - Barbering
BIOL - Biology
BSCI - Bioscience
BUSN - Business Administrative
CARP - Carpentry
CETC- Civil Engineering Technology
CHEM - Chemistry
CIST - Computer Information Systems
CMTT - Construction
COFC - Construction Fundamental Core
COMP - Introduction to Computers
COSM - Cosmetology
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CSSP - Central Sterile Supply
CTDL - Commercial Truck Driving
CUUL - Culinary Arts
CWDS - Certified Warehousing
DENA - Dental Assisting
DFTG - Drafting
DHYG - Dental Hygiene
DIET - Diesel Equipment Technology
DMPT - Design and Media Production
ECCE - Early Childhood Care Education
ECON - Economics
ELCR - Electronics Electrical Tech
ELTR - Electrical Systems Technology
ELUT Electrical Utility Technology
EMPL - Interpersonal Relations
EMSP - Paramedicine
ENGL - English
ENGT - Engineering
ESTH- Esthetics
FOSC - Forensic Science
FRSC - Fire Science Technology
FYES - First Year Experience
HECT - Hemodialysis
HIMT - Health Information Technology
HIST - History
HORT- Horticulture
HRTM - Hotel Restaurant Tourism
HUMN - Humanities
ICET - Industrial Engineering
IDFC - Industrial Fundamental
IDSY - Industrial Systems
LOGI - Logistics and Supply Chain
MAST - Medical Assisting
MATH - Mathematics
MGMT - Management
MKTG - Marketing Management
MUSC- Music
NAST - Patient Care Assistant
PARA - Paralegal Studies
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHLT - Phlebotomy Technician
PHOT - Photography
PHTA - Physical Therapist Assistant
PHYS - Physics
PLBG - Plumbing
POLS - Political Science
PNSG- Practical Nursing
PSYC - Psychology
RADT - Radiologic Technology
READ - Reading
RELG- Religion
RNSG - Registered Nursing
SCMA - Supply Chain Procurement
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN- Spanish
SPCH - Speech Public Speaking
THEA - Theatre
WELD - Welding and Joining
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2024-2025 College Catalog
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2024-2025 College Catalog
➤ Courses
ACCT 1100
Financial Accounting I
ACCT 1105
Financial Accounting II
ACCT 1110
Managerial Accounting
ACCT 1115
Computerized Accounting
ACCT 1120
Spreadsheet Applications
ACCT 1125
Individual Tax Accounting
ACCT 1130
Payroll Accounting
ACCT 1140
Small Business Accounting
ACCT 1145
Small Business Accting/Finance
ACCT 2000
Managerial Accounting
ACCT 2100
Accounting Internship I
ACCT 2105
Accounting Internship II
ACCT 2120
Business Tax Accounting
ACCT 2125
Capstone Review Course of Accounting Principles
ACCT 2135
Introduction to Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting
ACCT 2140
Legal Environment of Business
ACCT 2145
Personal Finance
ACRP 1000
Introduction to Auto Collision Repair
ACRP 1005
Automobile Component Repair and Replacement
ACRP 1010
Foundations of Collision Repair
ACRP 1015
Fundamentals of Automotive Welding
ACRP 1017
Mechanical and Electrical Systems I
ACRP 1018
Mechanical &Electrical Systems
ACRP 1019
Mechanical and Electrical Systems II
ACRP 2000
Intro to Refinishing
ACRP 2001
Introduction to Auto Painting and Refinishing
ACRP 2002
Painting and Refinishing Techniques
ACRP 2005
Fundamentals of RefinishingI
ACRP 2008
Fundamentals of RefinishingII
ACRP 2009
Refinishing Internship
ACRP 2010
Major Collision Repair
ACRP 2015
Major Collision Replacements
ACRP 2019
Major Collision Repair Internship
AIRC 1005
Refrigeration Fundamentals
AIRC 1010
Refrigeration Principles and Practices
AIRC 1020
Refrigeration Systems Components
AIRC 1030
HVACR Electrical Fundamentals
AIRC 1040
HVACR Electrical Motors
AIRC 1050
HVACR Electrical Components and Controls
AIRC 1060
Air Conditioning Systems Application and Installation
AIRC 1070
Gas Heat
AIRC 1080
Heat Pumps and Related Systems
AIRC 1090
Troubleshooting Air Conditioning Systems
AIRC 2005
Design&Appl-Light Com Air Cond
AIRC 2010
Light CommAirCondCtrl System
AIRC 2020
Light Comm Air Cond Systs Oper
AIRC 2030
Air Conditioning Internship
AIRC 2040
Residential Systems Designs
AIRC 2050
GASt.&Local ResidAirCond Codes
AIRC 2060
Air Distri Syst Resid Air Cond
AIRC 2070
Commercial Refrigeration Desig
AIRC 2080
Commercial Refrigeration Appl
AIRC 2090
Troubleshoot&ServicComm Refrig
ALHS 1010
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
ALHS 1011
Structure and Function of the Human Body
ALHS 1015
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
ALHS 1040
Introduction to Health Care
ALHS 1060
Diet and Nutrition for Allied Health Sciences
ALHS 1090
Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences
ALHS 1100
Nurse Aide Fundamentals (Non-Certification)
ALHS 1126
Health Science Physics
ARTS 1101
Art Appreciation
AUTT 1010
Automotive Technology Introduction
AUTT 1020
Automotive Electrical Systems
AUTT 1030
Automotive Brake Systems
AUTT 1040
Automotive Engine Performance
AUTT 1050
Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems
AUTT 1060
Automotive Climate Control Systems
AUTT 1070
Automotive Technology Intern
AUTT 2010
Automotive Engine Repair
AUTT 2020
Automotive Manual Drive Train and Axles
AUTT 2030
Automotive Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
AUTT 2100
Transmission & Transaxles
AVMT 1000
Aviation Mathematics
AVMT 1001
Aviation Mathematics
AVMT 1010
Aircraft Maintenance Regulations
AVMT 1011
Aircraft Maintenance Regulations
AVMT 1020
Aircraft Applied Sciences I
AVMT 1021
Aircraft Applied Sciences I
AVMT 1025
Aircraft Applied Sciences II
AVMT 1026
Aircraft Applied Sciences II
AVMT 1030
Aircraft Electricity and Electronics
AVMT 1031
Aircraft Electricity and Electronics
AVMT 1210
Aviation Physics
AVMT 1211
Aviation Physics
AVMT 2010
Aircraft Airframe Structures
AVMT 2011
Aircraft Wood Structures, Coverings and Finishes
AVMT 2020
Airframe Sheet Metal
AVMT 2021
Airframe Sheet Metal
AVMT 2025
Airframe Non-Metallic Structures
AVMT 2026
Airframe Non-Metallic Structures
AVMT 2030
Airframe Welding
AVMT 2040
Airframe Assembly and Rigging
AVMT 2041
Airframe Assembly and Rigging
AVMT 2050
Airframe Inspection
AVMT 2060
Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
AVMT 2061
Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
AVMT 2070
Aircraft Landing Gear Systems
AVMT 2071
Aircraft Landing Gear Systems
AVMT 2080
Aircraft Environmental Control Systems
AVMT 2081
Aircraft Environmental Control Systems
AVMT 2085
Aircraft Fuel and Instrument Systems
AVMT 2086
Aircraft Fuel and Instrument Systems
AVMT 2090
Aircraft Electrical Systems
AVMT 2095
Aircraft Communication and Navigation Systems
AVMT 2091
Aircraft Electrical Systems
AVMT 2096
Aircraft Communication and Navigation Systems
AVMT 2210
Reciprocating Engine Powerplants I
AVMT 2220
Reciprocating Engine Powerplants II
AVMT 2230
Gas Turbine Powerplants I
AVMT 2240
Gas Turbine Powerplants II
AVMT 2260
Aircraft Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems
AVMT 2270
Powerplant Instruments, Fire Protection and Electrical Systems
AVMT 2275
Powerplant Ignition and Starting Systems
AVMT 2280
Aircraft Powerplant Accessory Systems
AVMT 2285
Aircraft Propeller Systems
AVMT 2211
Reciprocating Engine Powerplants
AVMT 2231
Gas Turbine Powerplants
AVMT 2251
Aircraft Engine Inspection
AVMT 2261
Aircraft Engine Fuel & Fuel Metering Systems Master
AVMT 2271
Powerplant Instruments, Fire Protection and Electrical Systems
AVMT 2276
Powerplant Ignition & Starting Systems
AVMT 2281
Aircraft Powerplant Accessory Systems
AVMT 2286
Aircraft Propeller Systems
AVIO 1000
Introduction to Aircraft and Aviation Fundamentals
AVIO 1010
Basic Electronics
AVIO 1015
Basic Aircraft Electricity
AVIO 1020
Avionics Maintenance Practices
AVIO 1025
Basic Aircraft Electrical Wiring and Troubleshooting
AVIO 1030
Advanced Electronics
AVIO 1040
Digital Electronics
AVIO 1060
Aircraft Logic Systems
AVIO 1070
Aircraft Communication Systems
AVIO 1080
Navigation Systems
AVIO 1090
Flight Director and Autopilot Systems
AVIO 2000
Aircraft Navigation, Communication, and Avionic Systems
AVIO 2010
Advance Aircraft Electricity
AVIO 2020
Advance Aircraft Wiring and Troubleshooting
BARB 1000
Introduction to Barber/Styling Implements
BARB 1010
Science: Sterilization, Sanitation, and Bacteriology
BARB 1020
Intro to Haircutting
BARB 1022
Haircutting and Shampooing I
BARB 1024
Haircutting and Shampooing II
BARB 1030
Haircutting/Basic Styling
BARB 1040
BARB 1050
Science: Anatomy and Physiology
BARB 1060
Introduction to Color Theory/Color Application
BARB 1070
Chemical Restructuring of Hair
BARB 1072
Introduction to Chemical Restructuring of Hair
BARB 1074
Advanced Chemical Restructuring of Hair
BARB 1080
Advanced Haircutting/Styling
BARB 1082
Advanced Haircutting and Styling I
BARB 1084
Advanced Haircutting and Styling II
BARB 1090
Structures of Skin, Scalp, Hair and Facial Treatments
BARB 1100
Barber/Styling Practicum and Internship
BARB 1110
Shop Management/Ownership
BARB 2010
Introduction and Application to Barber Instruction
BARB 2020
Program Development
BARB 2030
Classroom/Lab Management
BARB 2040
Teaching Skills and Techniques
BARB 2050
Barbering Practicum I
BARB 2060
Barbering Practicum II
BIOL 1111
Biology I
BIOL 1111L
Biology Lab I
BIOL 1112
Biology II
BIOL 1112L
Biology Lab II
1210 1210
Introduction to Botany
BIOL 1210L
Introduction to Botany Lab
2100 2100
Survey of the Human Body
BIOL 2107
Biological Principles I
BIOL 2107L
Biological Principles I Lab
BIOL 2108
Biological Principles II
BIOL 2108L
Biological Principles II Lab
BIOL 2113
Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2113L
Anatomy and Physiology Lab I
BIOL 2114
Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 2114L
Anatomy and Physiology Lab II
BIOL 2117
Introductory Microbiology
BIOL 2117L
Introductory Microbiology Lab
BIOL 2120
Research Methods in Biology
BIOL 2210
Cell Biology and Immunology
BIOL 2210L
Cell Biology and Immunology Lab
BIOL 2250
Applied Biotechnology Internship
BIOL 2300
Biological Research
BIOL 2311
Human Pathophysiology
BSCI 1111
Introduction to Bioscience
BSCI 1211
Regulatory Compliance
BSCI 1212
Validation, Documentation and Quality Assurance
BSCI 1220
Fundamentals of Biomanufacturing
BSCI 1230
Environmental Laboratory Testing Methods
BSCI 1240
Pollution and Remediation
BSCI 2220
Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Analysis
BSCI 2230
Methods of Protein Analysis
BSCI 2250
Applied Biotechnology Intern.
BSCI 2290
Integrative Biology
BUSN 1015
Introduction to Healthcare Reimbursement
BUSN 1100
Introduction to Keyboarding
BUSN 1180
Computer Graphics and Design
BUSN 1190
Digital Technologies in Business
BUSN 1200
Machine Transcription
BUSN 1210
Electronic Calculators
BUSN 1220
Telephone Training
BUSN 1230
Legal Terminology
BUSN 1240
Office Procedures
BUSN 1250
Records Management
BUSN 1300
Introduction to Business
BUSN 1320
Business Interaction Skills
BUSN 1330
Personal Effectiveness
BUSN 1340
Customer Service Effectiveness
BUSN 1400
Word Processing Applications
BUSN 1410
Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications
BUSN 1420
Database Applications
BUSN 1430
Desktop Publishing and Presentation Applications
BUSN 1440
Document Production
BUSN 1450
Computer Applications for the Business Professional
BUSN 1460
Keyboarding and Document Formatting
BUSN 1470
Professional Communication Skills
BUSN 2130
Expert Spreadsheet Analysis
BUSN 2140
Expert Word Processing
BUSN 2150
Social Media and Electronic Communication
BUSN 2160
Electronic Mail Applications
BUSN 2170
Webpage Design
BUSN 2180
Speed andAccuracy Keying
BUSN 2190
Business Document Proofreading and Editing
BUSN 2200
Office Accounting
BUSN 2210
Applied Office Procedures
BUSN 2220
Legal Admin. Procedures
BUSN 2240
Business Administrative Assistant Internship I
BUSN 2250
Business Administrative Assistant Internship II
BUSN 2290
Applied Business Technology
BUSN 2300
Medical Terminology
BUSN 2310
A&Term for Med Admin Assistant
BUSN 2320
Med DocProcess/Transcription
BUSN 2330
Adv Med Doc Process/Transcript
BUSN 2340
Medical Admin. Procdures
BUSN 2370
Healthcare Coding
BUSN 2380
Med Admin Assistant Intern I
CARP 1000
Fundamental Carpentry Skills
CARP 1015
Structural Framing I
CARP 1020
Structural Framing II
CARP 1025
Intermediate Carpentry Techniques
CARP 1035
Advanced Carpentry I
CARP 1055
Advanced Carpentry II
CARP 1056
Advanced Commercial Carpentry
CARP 1070
Site Layout Footings and Foundations
CARP 1105
Floor Wall and Stair Framing
CARP 1110
Ceiling and Roof Framing
CARP 1112
Exterior Finishes and Roof Coverings
CARP 1114
Interior Finishes
CARP 1190
Advanced Residential Finishes and Decks
CARP 1210
Cornice and Soffit
CARP 1260
CARP 1310
Doors and Door Hardware
CARP 1320
Site Development, Concrete Forming, and Rigging and Reinforcing
CARP 1340
Carpentry Internship - Practicum
CARP 1400
Carpeting Installation
CARP 1405
Resilient Flooring Installation
CARP 1410
Hardwood Flooring Installation
CARP 1415
Tile Flooring Installation
CCMN 1050
Commercial Building Code
CCMN 1060
Construction Estimating I
CCMN 2010
Construction Law
CCMN 2020
Construction Scheduling
CETC 1111
Fundamentals of Hydrology
CETC 1112
Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics
CETC 1113
Engineering Economics
CETC 1114
Intermediate Computer Aided Design
CETC 1115
Advanced Computer Aided Design
CETC 1116
Surveying II
CETC 1117
Fundamentals of Road Design
CETC 1118
Construction Materials
CETC 1119
Surveying with Global Positioning Systems
CETC 1120
Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Locations
CETC 1121
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
CHEM 1151
Survey of Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 1151L
Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 1152
Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHEM 1152L
Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Lab
CHEM 1211
Chemistry I
CHEM 1211L
Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 1212
Chemistry II
CHEM 1212L
Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 2211
Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2211L
Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 2212
Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2212L
Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
CHEM 2300
Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 2300L
Quantitative Analysis Laboratory
CIST 1001
Computer Concepts
CIST 1101
Working with Microsoft Windows
CIST 1102
CIST 1121
Microcomputer Troubleshooting
CIST 1122
Hardware Installation and Maintenance
CIST 1130
Operating Systems Concepts
CIST 1200
Database Management
CIST 1210
Introduction to Oracle Databases
CIST 1220
Structured Query Language (SQL)
CIST 1305
Program Design and Development
CIST 1306
Programming Foundations - Swift
CIST 1401
Computer Networking Fundamentals
CIST 1510
Web Development I
CIST 1520
Scripting Technologies
CIST 1601
Information Security Fundamentals
CIST 1602
Security Policies and Procedures
CIST 2120
Using Application Software
CIST 2122
A+ Preparation
CIST 2212
Oracle Database Administration I
CIST 2214
Oracle Database Administration II
CIST 2216
Oracle Advanced Topics
CIST 2222
Administering Microsoft SQL Server
CIST 2224
Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server
CIST 2301
Application Development in Swift I
CIST 2302
Application Development in Swift II
CIST 2311
Visual Basic I
CIST 2312
Visual Basic II
CIST 2313
Visual Basic III
CIST 2341
C# Programming I
CIST 2342
C# Programming II
CIST 2343
C# Programming III
CIST 2351
PHP Programming I
CIST 2352
PHP Programming II
CIST 2361
C++ Programming I
CIST 2362
C++ Programming II
CIST 2371
Java Programming I
CIST 2372
Java Programming II
CIST 2373
Java Programming III
CIST 2381
Mobile Application Development
CIST 2383
User Experience
CIST 2385
Android Mobile Programming
CIST 2386
iOS Mobile Programming
CIST 2388
Cross-Platform Mobile Programming
CIST 2411
Microsoft Client
CIST 2412
Microsoft Server Installation and Maintenance
CIST 2413
Microsoft Server Networking
CIST 2414
Windows Server Identity Services
CIST 2420
Microsoft Exchange Server
CIST 2431
UNIX/Linux Introduction
CIST 2432
UNIX/Linux Server
CIST 2433
UNIX/Linux Advanced Server
CIST 2434
UNIX/Linux Scripting
CIST 2441
Network Home & Small Business
CIST 2442
Working atSm/MedBusiness orISP
CIST 2443
Cisco Routing and Switching
CIST 2444
Design&Support CompNetworks
CIST 2451
Introduction to Networks - CISCO
CIST 2452
Cisco Switching, Routing & Wireless Essentials
CIST 2453
Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation
CIST 2454
Cisco Connecting Networks
CIST 2480
AWS Cloud Foundations
CIST 2481
AWS Cloud Architecting
CIST 2482
AWS Cloud Developing
CIST 2483
AWS Data Analytics
CIST 2484
AWS Cloud Operations
CIST 2570
Open Source Web Application Programming I
CIST 2571
Open Source Web Application Programming II
CIST 2580
Interactive and Social Apps Integration
CIST 2601
Implementing Operating Systems Security
CIST 2602
Network Security
CIST 2611
Network Defense and Countermeasures
CIST 2612
Computer Forensics
CIST 2613
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
CIST 2742
Beginning Python Programming
CIST 2921
IT Analysis, Design, and Project Management
CMTT 2010
Residential Estimating Review
CMTT 2020
Construction Drafting I
CMTT 2050
Residential Code Review
CMTT 2130
Computerized Construction Scheduling
CMTT 2170
Construction Contracting
COFC 1000
COFC 1010
Introduction to Construction
COFC 1011
Overview of Building Construction Practices and Materials
COFC 1020
Professional Tool Use and Safety
COFC 1030
Materials and Fasteners
COFC 1050
Construction Print Reading Fundamentals
COFC 1080
Construction Trades Core
COFC 1101
Overview-Building Construction
COMM 1100
Human Communication
COMM 1109
Human Communication
COMP 1000
Introduction to Computer Literacy
COSM 1000
Introduction to Cosmetology Theory
COSM 1010
Chemical Texture Services
COSM 1020
Hair Care and Treatment
COSM 1030
COSM 1040
COSM 1050
Hair Color
COSM 1060
Fundamentals of Skin Care
COSM 1070
Nail Care and Advanced Techniques
COSM 1080
Physical Hair Services Practicum
COSM 1090
Hair Services Practicum I
COSM 1100
Hair Services Practicum II
COSM 1110
Hair Services Practicum III
COSM 1115
Hair Services Practicum IV
COSM 1120
Salon Management
COSM 1125
Skin and Nail Care Practicum
COSM 1180
Nail Care I
COSM 1190
Nail Care II
COSM 2000
Instructional Theory and Documentation
COSM 2010
Salon Management
COSM 2020
Principles of Teaching
COSM 2030
Lesson Plans
COSM 2040
Classroom Management
COSM 2050
Instruction and Evaluation
COSM 2060
Practicum I
COSM 2070
Practicum II
CRJU 1000
Intelligence Analysis & Securi
CRJU 1005
Transportation & Border Securi
CRJU 1010
Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 1030
CRJU 1040
Principles of Law Enforcement
CRJU 1043
Probation and Parole
CRJU 1050
Police Patrol Operations
CRJU 1052
Criminal Justice Administration
CRJU 1062
Methods of Criminal Investigation
CRJU 1063
Crime Scene Processing
CRJU 1065
Community Policing
CRJU 1068
Criminal Law for Criminal Justice
CRJU 1072
Intro. to Forensic Science
CRJU 1075
Report Writing
CRJU 1400
Ethics and Cultural Perspectives for Criminal Justice
CRJU 2020
Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice
CRJU 2050
Criminal Procedure
CRJU 2060
CRJU 2070
Juvenile Justice
CRJU 2090
Criminal Justice Practicum
CRJU 2100
Criminal Justice Internship/Externship
CRJU 2110
Homeland Security
CRJU 2201
Criminal Courts
CSSP 1010
Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician
CSSP 1020
Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician Practicum I
CSSP 1022
Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician Practicum II
CTDL 1010
Fundamentals of Commercial Driving
CTDL 1020
Combination Vehicle Basic Operation and Range Work
CTDL 1030
Combination Vehicle Advanced Operations
CTDL 1040
Commercial Driving Internship
CTDL 1050
Truck/Passenger Basic Ops.
CTDL 1060
Adv. Truck/Passenger Ops.
CUUL 1000
Fundamentals of Culinary Arts
CUUL 1110
Culinary Safety and Sanitation
CUUL 1120
Principles of Cooking
CUUL 1129
Fundamentals of Restaurant Operations
CUUL 1170
Introduction to Culinary Nutrition
CUUL 1220
Baking Principles
CUUL 1320
Garde Manger
CUUL 1370
Culinary Nutrition and Menu Development
CUUL 1400
Basic Nutrition
CUUL 1420
Marketing & Customer Service
CUUL 1420
Marketing & Customer Service
CUUL 1450
Food Service Manager-Training
CUUL 1460
Food Service - Training II
CUUL 2130
Culinary Practicum
CUUL 2140
Adv. Baking &CuisineInternat.
CUUL 2142
International Cuisine
CUUL 2160
Contemporary Cuisine
CUUL 2170
American Regional Cuisine
CUUL 2180
Irish Cuisine and Culture
CUUL 2190
Principles of Culinary Leadership
CUUL 2250
Advanced Baking Principles
CWDS 1540
Working in the Warehousing Environment
CWDS 1560
Warehousing Core and Workforce Skills
CWDS 1580
Warehousing and Distribution Process
CWDS 1600
Warehousing Technology Skills
CWDS 1620
Representative Warehouse Skills
DENA 1010
Basic Human Biology
DENA 1030
Preventive Dentistry
DENA 1050
Microbiology and Infection Control
DENA 1070
Oral Pathology and Therapeutics
DENA 1080
Dental Anatomy
DENA 1090
Dental Assisting National Board Examination Preparation
DENA 1340
Dental Assisting I: General Chairside
DENA 1350
Dental Assisting II: Dental Specialties and EDDA Skills
DENA 1390
Dental Radiology
DENA 1390C
Dental Radiology
DENA 1400
Dental Practice Management
DENA 1460
Dental Practicum I
DENA 1470
Dental Practicum II
DENA 1480
Dental Practicum III
DFTG 1015
Practical Mathematics for Drafting Technology
DFTG 1101
CAD Fundamentals
DFTG 1103
Multiview/Basic Dimensioning
DFTG 1105
3D Mechanical Modeling
DFTG 1107
Advanced Dimensioning/Sectional Views
DFTG 1109
Auxiliary Views/Surface Development
DFTG 1111
DFTG 1113
Assembly Drawings
DFTG 1125
Architectural Fundamentals
DFTG 1127
Architectural 3D Modeling
DFTG 1129
Residential Drawing I
DFTG 1131
Residential Drawing II
DFTG 1133
Commercial Drawing I
DFTG 1150
Introduction to 3D Printing
DFTG 2010
Engineering Graphics
DFTG 2020
Visualization and Graphics
DFTG 2030
Advanced 3D Modeling Architectural
DFTG 2040
Advanced 3D Modeling Mechanical
DFTG 2110
Print Reading I
DFTG 2120
Blueprint Reading for Architecture
DFTG 2130
Manual Drafting Fundamentals
DFTG 2210
Print Reading II
DFTG 2300
Drafting Technology Practicum/Internship 3
DFTG 2400
Drafting Technology Practicum/Internship 4
DFTG 2500
Drafting Technology Exit Review
DFTG 2600
Drafting Technology Practicum/Internship 6
DRFT 2000
Public Works Infrastructure
DRFT 2005
Plan Reading
DRFT 2010
Construction Materials
DRFT 2020
Construction Materials and Cost Estimating
DRFT 2030
Project Management
DRFT 2040
Highway Design
DRFT 2050
Surveying I
DRFT 2060
Route Location and Design
DRFT 2070
Civil Tech Internship
DHYG 1000
Tooth Anatomy and Root Morphology
DHYG 1010
Oral Embryology and Histology
DHYG 1020
Head and Neck Anatomy
DHYG 1030
Dental Materials
DHYG 1040
Preclinical Dental Hygiene Lecture
DHYG 1050
Preclinical Dental Hygiene Lab
DHYG 1070
Radiology Lecture
DHYG 1090
Radiology Lab
DHYG 1110
Clinical Dental Hygiene I Lecture
DHYG 1111
Clinical Dental Hygiene I Lab
DHYG 1206
Pharmacology and Pain Control
DHYG 1260
Pharmacology & Pain Control
DHYG 2010
Clinical Dental Hygiene II Lecture
DHYG 2020
Clinical Dental Hygiene II Lab
DHYG 2050
General and Oral Pathology/Pathophysiology
DHYG 2070
Community Dental Health
DHYG 2080
Clinical Dental Hygiene III Lecture
DHYG 2090
Clinical Dental Hygiene III Lab
DHYG 2110
Biochemistry and Nutrition Fundamentals for the Dental Hygienist
DHYG 2130
Clinical Dental Hygiene IV Lecture
DHYG 2140
Clinical Dental Hygiene IV Lab
DHYG 2200
DIET 1000
Introduction to Diesel Technology, Tools, and Safety
DIET 1010
Diesel Electrical and Electronic Systems
DIET 1020
Preventive Maintenance
DIET 1030
Diesel Engines
DIET 1040
Diesel Truck and Heavy Equipment HVAC Systems
DIET 1050
Diesel Equipment Tech Intern
DIET 2000
Truck Steering and Suspension Systems
DIET 2001
Heavy Equipment Hydraulics
DIET 2002
Basic Power Generation Fund.
DIET 2003
Marine Auxiliary Systems
DIET 2010
Truck Brake Systems
DIET 2011
Off Road Drivelines
DIET 2012
Diesel Power Controls
DIET 2013
Maine Drive Systems
DIET 2020
Truck Drive Trains
DIET 2021
Truck Transmissions
DIET 2202
Basic Power Generation Fund.
DMPT 1000
Introduction to Design
DMPT 1005
Vector Graphics
DMPT 1010
Raster Imaging
DMPT 1015
DMPT 1020
Introduction to Photography
DMPT 1025
Production Photography
DMPT 1040
Intro. to Animation
DMPT 1055
Introduction to Media Technology
DMPT 1600
Introduction to Video Production
DMPT 2100
Identity Design
DMPT 2105
Page Layout
DMPT 2110
Publication Design
DMPT 2115
Advertising and Promotional Design
DMPT 2120
Prepress and Output
DMPT 2125
Advanced Raster Imaging
DMPT 2130
Advanced Vector Graphics
DMPT 2135
Documentary Photography
DMPT 2200
Itnro to the Printing Industry
DMPT 2205
Basic Printing Operations
DMPT 2210
Intermed Print &Finishing Oper
DMPT 2215
Advanced Print&Post Prod Oper
DMPT 2300
Found of Interface Design
DMPT 2305
Web Interface Design
DMPT 2310
Animation for Web
DMPT 2315
Dynamic Web Design
DMPT 2320
Interactive Multimedia for Web
DMPT 2400
Basic 3D Modeling and Animation
DMPT 2405
Intermediate 3D Modeling
DMPT 2410
Digital, Texture and Lighting
DMPT 2415
Character Rigging
DMPT 2420
3D Production and Animation
DMPT 2425
Effects Animation
DMPT 2440
Overview-Video Game Art Design
DMPT 2450
Animated Short Film Production
DMPT 2455
Animated Short Film Prod. II
DMPT 2600
Basic Video Editing
DMPT 2605
Introduction to Video Compositing and Broadcast Animation
DMPT 2610
Intermediate Video Compositing and Broadcast Animation
DMPT 2615
Intermediate Video Editing
DMPT 2625
DVD Authoring
DMPT 2630
Post-Production Audio
DMPT 2640
Color Grading
DMPT 2650
Visual Effects
DMPT 2660
Special Projects
DMPT 2700
Portraiture Photography
DMPT 2705
Photography II
DMPT 2800
Intermediate Video Production
DMPT 2805
Narrative Filmmaking
DMPT 2810
Documentary Filmmaking
DMPT 2900
Practicum/Internship I
DMPT 2905
Practicum/Internship II
DMPT 2910
Practicum/Internship III
DMPT 2920
Practivum/Internship IV
DMPT 2930
Exit Review
ECCE 1101
Introduction to Early Childhood Care and Education
ECCE 1103
Child Growth and Development
ECCE 1105
Health, Safety and Nutrition
ECCE 1106
Health, Safety and Nutrition
ECCE 1112
Curriculum and Assessment
ECCE 1113
Creative Activities for Children
ECCE 1121
Early Childhood Care and Education Practicum
ECCE 1125
Professionalism-CDA Cert Prep
ECCE 2115
Language and Literacy
ECCE 2116
Math and Science
ECCE 2201
ECCE 2202
Social Issues and Family Involvement
ECCE 2203
Guidance and Classroom Management
ECCE 2240
Early CCE Internship
ECCE 2245
Early Childhood Care and Education Internship I
ECCE 2246
Early Childhood Care and Education Internship II
ECCE 2310
Paraprofessional Methods and Materials
ECCE 2312
Paraprofessional Roles and Practices
ECCE 2320
Program Administration and Facility Management
ECCE 2322
Personnel Management
ECCE 2330
Infant/Toddler Development
ECCE 2332
Infant/Toddler Group Care and Curriculum
ECCE 2340
Family Child Care Program Management
ECCE 2342
Family Child Care Business Management
ECCE 2360
Classroom Strategies for Exceptional Children
ECCE 2362
Exploring Your Role in the Exceptional Environment
ECET 1191
Computer Programming Fundamentals
ECON 1101
Principles of Economics
ECON 2105
ECON 2106
ELCR 1003
Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Theory
ELCR 1005
Soldering Technology
ELCR 1010
Direct Current Circuits
ELCR 1020
Alternating Current Circuits
ELCR 1030
Solid State Devices
ELCR 1040
Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals
ELCR 1060
Linear Integrated Circuits
ELCR 1230
Communications Electronics Survey
ELCR 1240
Industrial Electronics Survey
ELCR 1800
Electrical Lineworker Organization Principles
ELCR 1820
Electrical Lineworker Workplace Skills
ELCR 1840
Electrical Lineworker Automation Skills
ELCR 1860
Electrical Lineworker Occupational Skills
ELCR 2170
Computer Hardware
ELCR 2180
Operating Systems Technologies
ELCR 2190
Networking I
ELCR 2210
Analog Communications
ELCR 2220
Digital Communications
ELCR 2230
Antenna and Transmission Lines
ELCR 2240
Microwave Communications and Radar
ELCR 2250
Optical Communications Techniques
ELCR 2290
Security Systems
ELCR 2560
Certified Electronic Technician (CET) License Preparation
ELCR 2590
Fiber Optic Systems
ELCR 2600
Telecommunication and Data Cabling
ELCR 2620
Telecommunications Systems Installation, Programming, and Data Transmission
ELCR 2680
Access Control and CCTV Installation
ELCR 2700
HTI+ CertificationPreparation
ELCR 2800
Embedded Systems Capstone Project
ELCR 2860
CompTIA A+ Certification
ELTR 1010
Direct Current Fundamentals
ELTR 1020
Alternating Current Fundamentals
ELTR 1060
Electrical Prints, Schematics, and Symbols
ELTR 1080
Commercial Wiring I
ELTR 1090
Commercial Wiring II
ELTR 1110
Electric Motors
ELTR 1120
Variable Speed Low Voltage Controls
ELTR 1180
Electrical Controls
ELTR 1205
Residential Wiring I
ELTR 1210
Residential Wiring II
ELTR 1220
Industrial PLC's
ELTR 1250
Diagnostic Troubleshooting
ELTR 1260
ELTR 1270
N.E.C. Industrial Wiring Applications
ELTR 1500
Electrical Systems Technology Internship/Practicum
ELTR 1510
Electrical Worker
ELTR 1525
Photovoltaic Systems
ELUT 1215
EMPL 1000
Interpersonal Relations and Professional Development
EMSP 1010
Emergency Medical Responder
EMSP 1110
Introduction to the EMT Profession
EMSP 1120
EMT Assessment/Airway Management and Pharmacology
EMSP 1130
Medical Emergencies for the EMT
EMSP 1140
Special Patient Populations
EMSP 1150
Shock and Trauma for the EMT
EMSP 1160
Clinical and Practical Applications for the EMT
EMSP 1510
Advanced Concepts for the AEMT
EMSP 1520
Advanced Patient Care for the AEMT
EMSP 1530
Clinical Applications for the AEMT
EMSP 1540
Clinical and Practical Applications for the AEMT
EMSP 2110
Foundations of Paramedicine
EMSP 2120
Applications of Pathophysiology for Paramedics
EMSP 2130
Advanced Resuscitative Skills for Paramedics
EMSP 2140
Advanced Cardiovascular Concepts
EMSP 2310
Therapeutic Modalities of Cardiovascular Care
EMSP 2320
Therapeutic Modalities of Medical Care
EMSP 2330
Therapeutic Modalities of Trauma Care
EMSP 2340
Therapeutic Modalities for Special Patient Populations
EMSP 2510
Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - I
EMSP 2520
Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - II
EMSP 2530
Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - III
EMSP 2540
Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - IV
EMSP 2550
Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - V
EMSP 2560
Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - VI
EMSP 2570
Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - VII
EMSP 2710
Field Internship for the Paramedic
EMSP 2720
Practical Applications for the Paramedic
ENGL 0090
Learning Support English
ENGL 1012
Fundamentals of English II
ENGL 1101
Composition and Rhetoric
ENGL 1102
Literature and Composition
ENGL 1105
Workplace and Technical Communication
ENGL 1010
Fundamentals of English I
ENGL 1005
Applied Technical Communication
ENGL 2110
World Literature
ENGL 2130
American Literature
ENGL 2310
English Literature from the Beginnings to 1700
ENGT 1000
Introduction to Engineering Technology
ENGT 2300
Capstone Project
ENGT 2400
Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Locations Internship
ESTH 1000
Introduction to Esthetics
ESTH 1010
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin
ESTH 1020
Skin Care Procedures
ESTH 1030
Electricity and Facial Treatments with Machines
ESTH 1040
Advanced Skin Care
ESTH 1050
Color Theory and Makeup
ESTH 1060
Esthetics Practicum I
ESTH 1070
Esthetics Practicum II
FOSC 1206
Introduction to Forensic Science
FOSC 1210
Crime Scene Investigation I
FOSC 2010
Crime Scence Investigation I
FOSC 2012
Forensic Trace Evidence
FOSC 2028
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
FRSC 1020
Basic Firefighter - Emergency Services Fundamentals
FRSC 1030
Basic Firefighter - MODULE I
FRSC 1040
Basic Firefighter - MODULE II
FRSC 1050
Fire and Life Safety Educator I
FRSC 1060
Fire Prevention, Preparedness and Maintenance
FRSC 1070
Introduction to Technical Rescue
FRSC 1080
Fireground Operations
FRSC 1100
Introduction to the Fire Service
FRSC 1110
Fire Administration - Supervision and Leadership
FRSC 1115
Fire Behavior and Combustion
FRSC 1121
Firefighting Strategy and Tactics
FRSC 1132
Fire Service Instructor
FRSC 1141
Hazardous Materials Operations
FRSC 1151
Fire Prevention & Inspection
FRSC 1161
Fire Service Safety and Loss Control
FRSC 2100
Fire Administration Management
FRSC 2110
Fire Service Hydraulics
FRSC 2120
Fire Protection Systems
FRSC 2130
Fire Service Building Construction
FRSC 2141
Incident Command
FRSC 2170
Fire and Arson Investigation
FYES 1001
First Year Experience Seminar
HECT 1010
Health Care Technician Practicum
HECT 1100
Hemodialysis Patient Care
HECT 1120
Hemodialysis Practicum
GERT 1000
Understanding the Geronotological Client
GERT 1020
Behavioral Aspects of Aging
GERT 1030
Gerontological Nutrition
HIMT 1100
Introduction to Health Information Technology
HIMT 1150
Computer Appls in Healthcare
HIMT 1151
Computer Applications in Healthcare
HIMT 1200
Legal Aspects of Healthcare
HIMT 1250
Health Record Content and Structure
HIMT 1350
Introduction to Pharmacotherapy
HIMT 1360
Introduction to Pathopharmacotherapy
HIMT 1400
Coding and Classification - ICD Basic
HIMT 1410
Coding and Classification - ICD Advanced
HIMT 2150
Healthcare Statistics
HIMT 2200
Performance Improvement
HIMT 2300
Healthcare Management
HIMT 2375
Healthcare Coding
HIMT 2400
Coding and Classification - CPT/HCPCS
HIMT 2410
Revenue Cycle Management
HIMT 2460
Health Information Technology Practicum
HIMT 2500
Certification Seminar
HIMT 2600
Introduction to Data Management
HIST 1111
World History I
HIST 1112
World History II
HIST 2111
U.S. History I
HIST 2112
U.S. History II
HIST 2212
U.S. History II
HORT 1000
Horticulture Science
HORT 1010
Woody Plant Identification I
HORT 1020
Herbaceous Plant Identification
HORT 1030
Greenhouse Management
HORT 1041
Landscape Construction
HORT 1050
Nursery Production and Management
HORT 1060
Landscape Design
HORT 1070
Landscape Installation
HORT 1080
Pest Management
HORT 1100
Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture
HORT 1110
Small Scale Food Production
HORT 1120
Landscape Management
HORT 1140
Horticulture Business Management
HORT 1150
Environmental Horticulture Internship
HORT 1160
Landscape Contracting
HORT 1200
Arboriculture Science
HORT 1250
Plant Production and Propagation
HORT 1310
Irrigation and Water Management
HORT 1330
Turfgrass Management
HORT 1410
HORT 1420
Golf Course Design Construction and Management
HORT 1430
- Advanced Landscape Design
HORT 1440
Landscape Grading and Drainage
HORT 1500
Small Gas Engine Repair and Maintenance
HORT 1560
Computer-Aided Landscape Design
HORT 1680
Woody Plant Identification II
HORT 1690
Horticulture Spanish
HORT 1700
Large Equipment Operation
HORT 1720
Introductory Floral Design
HORT 1730
Advanced Floral Design
HORT 1750
HORT 1800
Urban Landscape Issues
HORT 2249
Flower Shop Management
HORT 2500
Specialty Landscape Construction
HRTM 1100
Introduction to Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management
HRTM 1110
Travel Industry and Travel Geography - Americas
HRTM 1120
Tour and Cruise Management
HRTM 1130
Business Etiquette and Communication
HRTM 1140
Hotel Operations Management
HRTM 1150
Event Planning
HRTM 1160
Food and Beverage Management
HRTM 1170
Hospitality, Industry Accounting and Financial Analysis
HRTM 1201
Hospitality Marketing
HRTM 1210
Hospitality Law
HRTM 1220
Supervision and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry
HRTM 1230
HUMN 1101
Introduction to Humanities
HUMN 1100
Introduction to Humanities
ICET 1120
Industrial Control Modeling (MATLAB/Simulink)
ICET 1130
Industrial Network Protocol
ICET 1140
Industrial Processes Simulations
ICET 1150
Industrial Controllers (NI-LabVIEW)
ICET 1170
Industrial Systems Analysis
ICET 1190
Reliability Engineering
IDFC 1000
Principles of Electricity I
IDFC 1005
Principles of Electricity II
IDFC 1007
Industrial Safety Procedures
IDFC 1011
Direct Current I
IDFC 1012
Alternating Current I
IDFC 1013
Solid State Devices I
IDSY 1005
Introduction to Mechatronics
IDSY 1100
Basic Circuit Analysis
IDSY 1101
DC Circuit Analysis
IDSY 1105
AC Circuit Analysis
IDSY 1110
Industrial Motor Controls I
ISDY 1111
Industrial Wiring
IDSY 1120
Basic Industrial PLCs
IDSY 1130
Industrial Wiring
IDSY 1170
Industrial Mechanics
IDSY 1171
Industrial Mechanics
IDSY 1181
Fluid Power Systems
IDSY 1190
Fluid Power Systems
1191 1191
Pumps and Piping Systems
IDSY 1195
Pumps and Piping Systems
IDSY 1210
Industrial Motor Controls II
IDSY 1220
Intermediate Industrial PLCs
IDSY 1230
Industrial Instrumentation
IDSY 1260
Machine Tool for Industrial Repairs
IDSY 1112
Industrial Motor Controls I
IMSA 1100
Clinical Practice
LOGI 1000
Business Logistics
LOGI 1010
LOGI 1015
Purchasing and Materials Management
LOGI 1020
Materials Management
LOGI 1030
Product Lifecycle Management
LOGI 1110
Transportation and Logistics Network Design Fundamentals
LOGI 1120
International Operations and Transportation Fundamentals
LOGI 1130
Introduction to TMS
LOGI 1140
Certifying Principles of Logistics, Distribution and Transportation
MAST 1010
Legal and Ethical Concerns in the Medical Office
MAST 1030
Pharmacology in the Medical Office
MAST 1060
Medical Office Procedures
MAST 1080
Medical Assisting Skills I
MAST 1090
Medical Assisting Skills II
MAST 1100
Medical Insurance Management
MAST 1110
Administrative Practice Management
MAST 1120
Human Diseases
MAST 1170
Medical Assisting Externship
MAST 1180
Medical Assisting Seminar
MAST 1510
Medical Billing and Coding I
MAST 1520
Medical Billing and Coding II
MAST 1530
Medical Procedural Coding
MATH 0090C
Learning Support Mathematics
MATH 0090D
Learning Support Mathematics
MATH 0097
Math II
MATH 0930
LS Foundations of Mathematics
MATH 0950
LS Modeling and Algebra
MATH 1013
Algebraic Concepts
MATH 1015
Geometry and Trigonometry
MATH 1017
MATH 1100
Quantitative Skills and Reasoning
MATH 1101
Mathematical Modeling
MATH 1103
Quantitative Skills and Reasoning
MATH 1111
College Algebra
MATH 1112
College Trigonometry
MATH 1113
MATH 1127
Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1131
Calculus I
MATH 1132
Calculus II
MATH 1011
Business Math
MATH 1012
Foundations of Mathematics
MATH 1005
Applied Technical Mathematics
MGET 2030
MEGT 2080
Strength of Materials
MGMT 1100
Principles of Management
MGMT 1105
Organizational Behavior
MGMT 1110
Employment Rules & Regulations
MGMT 1115
MGMT 1120
Introduction to Business
MGMT 1125
Business Ethics
MGMT 1130
Bus. Regulation & Compliance
MGMT 1135
Managerial Accounting&Finance
MGMT 1310
Introduction to Quality Assurance
MGMT 1315
Define and Measure
MGMT 1320
Analyze, Improve, Control
MGMT 1340
Quality Assurance Philosophy
MGMT 1350
Quality Assurance Tools
MGMT 1360
Adv. Quality Assurance Process
MGMT 2110
Project Management
MGMT 2115
Human Resource Management
MGMT 2120
Labor Management Relations
MGMT 2125
Performance Management
MGMT 2130
Employee Training and Development
MGMT 2140
Retail Management
MGMT 2200
Production/Operations Management
MGMT 2205
Service Sector Management
MGMT 2210
Project Management
MGMT 2215
Team Project
MGMT 2220
Management Occupation-Based Instructions
MKTG 1090
Promotion & Marketing Commun.
MKTG 1100
Principles of Marketing
MKTG 1115
MKTG 1125
Business Ethics
MKTG 1130
Business Regulations and Compliance
MKTG 1160
Professional Selling
MKTG 1161
Service Industry Business Environment
MKTG 1162
Customer Contact Skills
MKTG 1163
Computer Skills for Customer Service
MKTG 1164
Business Skills for the Customer
MKTG 1165
Personal Effectiveness in Customer Service
MKTG 1190
Integrated Marketing Communications
MKTG 1210
Services Marketing
MKTG 1270
Visual Merchandising
MKTG 1280
Introduction to Sports and Recreation Management
MKTG 1370
Consumer Behavior
MKTG 2000
Global Marketing
MKTG 2010
Small Business Management
MKTG 2060
Marketing Channels
MKTG 2070
Buying and Merchandising
MKTG 2080
Regulations and Compliance in Sports
MKTG 2090
Marketing Research
MKTG 2125
Performance Management
MKTG 2160
Advanced Selling
MKTG 2180
Principles of Sports Marketing
MKTG 2210
MKTG 2270
Retail Operations Management
MKTG 2280
Sports Management
MKTG 2290
Marketing Internship/Practicum
MKTG 2300
Marketing Management
MKTG 2500
Exploring Social Media
MKTG 2550
Analyzing Social Media
MRIM 2300
Orientation and Introduction to MRI
MRIM 2320
MRI Procedures and Cross Sectional Anatomy
MRIM 2330
MRI Physics and Instrumentation
MRIM 2350
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinical Education I
MRIM 2360
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinical Education II
MRIM 2370
MRI Review
MUSC 1101
Music Appreciation
NAST 1100
Nurse Aide Fundamentals
NAST 2100
Nurse Aide Accelerated
PARA 1100
Introduction to Law and Ethics
PARA 1105
Legal Research and Legal Writing I
PARA 1110
Legal Research and Legal Writing II
PARA 1115
Family Law
PARA 1120
Real Estate Law
PARA 1125
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
PARA 1130
Civil Litigation
PARA 1135
Wills, Trusts, Probate, and Administration
PARA 1140
Tort Law
PARA 1145
Law Office Management
PARA 1150
Contracts, Commercial Law and Business Organizations
PARA 1200
Bankruptcy/Debtor-Creditor Relations
PARA 1205
Constitutional Law
PARA 1210
Legal and Policy Issues in Healthcare
PARA 1215
Administrative Law
PARA 2200
Paralegal Practicum
PARA 2205
Adv Legal Research and Writing
PARA 2210
Paralegal Internship I
PARA 2215
Paralegal Internship II
PCTA 1100
Skills for the Patient Care Technician
PHAR 1000
Pharmaceutical Calculations
PHAR 1010
Pharmacy Technology Fundamentals
PHAR 1020
Principles of Dispensing Medications
PHAR 1030
Principles of Sterile Medication Preparation
PHAR 1040
PHAR 1050
Pharmacy Technology Practicum
PHAR 1055
Pharmacy Assistant Practicum
PHAR 2060
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Principles
PHAR 2070
Advanced Pharmacy Technology Practicum
PHLT 1030
Introduction to Venipuncture
PHLT 1050
Clinical Practice
PHOT 1000
Introduction to Macintosh Computers
PHOT 1102
Visual Theory I
PHOT 1103
Camera Techniques I
PHOT 1104
Photographic Workshop I
PHOT 1105
Digital Imaging I
PHOT 1122
Visual Theory II
PHOT 1123
Camera Techniques II
PHOT 1124
Photographic Workshop II
PHOT 1125
Multimedia I
PHOT 1126
Portraiture I
PHOT 2101
Portfolio I
PHOT 2103
Commercial I
PHOT 2106
PHOT 2121
Portfolio II
PHOT 2122
PHOT 2123
Commercial II
PHOT 2125
Multimedia II
PHOT 2126
Portraiture II
PHOT 2131
Photographic Business Management
PHTA 1110
Introduction to Physical Therapy
PHTA 1120
Patient Care Skills
PHTA 1130
Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology I
PHTA 1140
Physical Therapy Procedures I
PHTA 2110
Pathology I
PHTA 2120
Rehabilitation I
PHTA 2130
Physical Therapy Procedures II
PHTA 2140
Clinical Education I
PHTA 2150
Pathology II
PHTA 2160
Rehabilitation II
PHTA 2170
Kinesiology II
PHTA 2180
Clinical Education II
PHTA 2190
Clinical Education III
PHTA 2200
Physical Therapist Assistant Seminar
PHYS 1110
Conceptual Physics
PHYS 1110L
Conceptual Physics Lab
PHYS 1111
Introductory Physics I
PHYS 1111L
Introductory Physics Lab I
PHYS 1112
Introductory Physics II
PHYS 1112L
Introductory Physics Lab II
PLBG 1000
Introduction to Plumbing
PLBG 1070
Physical Science and Mechanics for the Pipe Trades
PLBG 1160
Plumbing Drawings
PLBG 1210
Pipes, Valves, and Fittings
PLBG 1220
Drainage Systems
PLBG 1240
Water Supply Systems
PLBG 1260
Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances
PLBG 1280
Gas Piping, Venting, and Appliances
PLBG 1310
Special Plumbing Systems
PLBG 1320
Plumbing Service
PLBG 1330
Plumbing Codes
PLBG 1500
Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control
PLBG 2160
Advanced Drawing and Plan Reading
PLBG 2330
Advanced Plumbing Code Applications
PLBG 2500
Plumbing Technology Practicum/Internship
POLS 1101
American Government
POLS 2401
Global Issues
PPFT 1070
Special Piping
PNSG 2010
Introduction to Pharmacology and Clinical Calculations
PNSG 2030
Nursing Fundamentals
PNSG 2035
Nursing Fundamentals Clinical
PNSG 2210
Medical-Surgical Nursing I
PNSG 2220
Medical-Surgical Nursing II
PNSG 2230
Medical-Surgical Nursing III
PNSG 2240
Medical-Surgical Nursing IV
PNSG 2250
Maternity Nursing
PNSG 2255
Maternity Nursing Clinical
PNSG 2310
Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical I
PNSG 2320
Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical II
PNSG 2330
Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical III
PNSG 2340
Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical IV
PNSG 2410
Nursing Leadership
PNSG 2415
Nursing Leadership Clinical
PSYC 1101
Introductory Psychology
PSYC 1150
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSYC 1010
Basic Psychology
PSYC 2103
Human Development
PSYC 2250
Abnormal Psychology
RADT 1010
Introduction to Radiology
RADT 1030
Radiographic Procedures I
RADT 1060
Radiographic Procedures II
RADT 1065
Radiologic Science
RADT 1070
Principles Of Imaging I
RADT 1075
Radiographic Imaging
RADT 1085
Radiologic Equipment
RADT 1160
Principles Of Imaging II
RADT 1200
Principles of Radiation Biology and Protection
RADT 1320
Clinical Radiography I
RADT 1330
Clinical Radiography II
RADT 2090
Radiographic Procedures III
RADT 2190
Radiographic Pathology
RADT 2260
Radiologic Technology Review
RADT 2340
Clinical Radiography III
RADT 2350
Clinical Radiography IV
RADT 2360
Clinical Radiography IV
RADT 2520
Mammographic Anatomy, Physics and Positioning (
RADT 2530
Clinical Mammography
READ 0090
Learning Support Reading
READ 0090C
Learning Support Reading
READ 0090D
Learning Support Reading
READ 0096
Reading I
READ 0097
Reading II
RELG 1101
World Religions
RNSG 1300
Professional Practice I: Fundamentals of Nursing
RNSG 1302
Pro.Practice II:Health Assessm
RNSG 1304
Professional Practice II: Pharmacology
RNSG 1306
Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice
RNSG 1308
Professional Practice III: Medical Surgical I Nursing
RNSG 1312
Professional Practice IV: Psycho-Social Mental Health and Illness
RNSG 1340
RNSG 2300
Professional Practice V: The Childbearing Family
RNSG 2302
Professional Practice VI: The Childrearing Family
RNSG 2304
Maternal Child Nursing
RNSG 2306
Professional Practice VII: Medical-Surgical II
RNSG 2308
Professional Practice VIII: Transition, Leadership and Management in Nursing
RNSG 2310
Professional Practice IX: Transitioning into Professional Practice
SCMA 1000
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
SCMA 1003
Introduction to Transportation and Logistics Management
SCMA 1007
Basics of Negotiations
SCMA 1008
Supply Chain Management OBI I
SCMA 1009
Supply Chain Management OBI II
SCMA 1015
E-Commerce in Supply Chain Management
SCMA 2103
Supply Chain Management Concepts
SCMA 2105
Procurement Methodologies
SCMA 2106
Key Issues in the Global Integrated Supply Chain
SCMA 2108
Global Sourcing
SCMA 2200
Capstone/Case Studies in Logistics Management
SCMA 2900
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Internship
SOCI 1101
Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 2600
Introduction to Social Problems
SPAN 1101
Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture I
SPAN 1102
Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture II
SPCH 1101
Public Speaking
SURG 1120
Surgical Technology Clinical I
THEA 1101
Theater Appreciation
WELD 1000
Introduction to Welding Technology
WELD 1010
Oxyfuel and Plasma Cutting
WELD 1020
Oxyacetylene Welding
WELD 1030
Blueprint Reading for Welding Technology
WELD 1040
Flat Shielded Metal Arc Welding
WELD 1050
Horizontal Shielded Metal Arc Welding
WELD 1060
Vertical Shielded Metal Arc Welding
WELD 1070
Overhead Shielded Metal Arc Welding
WELD 1090
Gas Metal Arc Welding
WELD 1110
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
WELD 1120
Preparation for Industrial Qualification
WELD 1150
Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
WELD 1151
Fabrication Processes
WELD 1152
Pipe Welding
WELD 1153
Flux Cored Arc Welding
WELD 1154
Plasma Cutting
WELD 1156
Ornamental Iron Works
WELD 1330
Metal Welding and Cutting Techniques
WELD 1500
Welding and Joining Technology Practicum/Internship