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Atlanta Technical College
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Arts and Sciences Division
Programs of Study
ACCT - Accounting
ACRP - Automotive Collision Repair
AIRC - Air Conditioning Technology
ALHS - Allied Health Science
ARTS - Art Appreciation History
AUTT - Automotive Technology
AVIO - Avionics Maintenance
BARB - Barbering
BIOL - Biology
BSCI - Bioscience
BUSN - Business Administrative
CARP - Carpentry
CHEM - Chemistry
CIST - Computer Information Systems
CMTT - Construction
COFC - Construction Fundamental Core
COMM - Communications
COMP - Introduction to Computers
COSM - Cosmetology
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CSSP - Central Sterile Supply
CTDL - Commercial Truck Driving
CUUL - Culinary Arts
DENA - Dental Assisting
DFTG - Drafting
DHYG - Dental Hygiene
DIET - Diesel Equipment Technology
DMPT - Design and Media Production
ECCE - Early Childhood Care Education
ECON - Economics
ELTR - Electrical Systems Technology
EMPL - Interpersonal Relations
EMSP - Paramedicine
ENGL - English
ENGT - Engineering
FOSC - Forensic Science
FYES - First Year Experience
HECT - Hemodialysis
HIMT - Health Information Technology
HIST - History
HRTM - Hotel Restaurant Tourism
HUMN - Humanities
ICET - Industrial Engineering
IDFC - Industrial Fundamental
IDSY - Industrial Systems
LOGI - Logistics and Supply Chain
MAST - Medical Assisting
MATH - Mathematics
MGMT - Management
MKTG - Marketing Management
Narrative Courses
NAST - Patient Care Assistant
PARA - Paralegal Studies
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHLT - Phlebotomy Technician
PHTA - Physical Therapist Assistant
PHYS - Physics
PLBG - Plumbing
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
RADT - Radiologic Technology
READ - Reading
RNSG - Registered Nursing
SCMA - Supply Chain Procurement
SOCI - Sociology
SPCH - Speech Public Speaking
SURG - Surgical Technology
THEA - Theatre
WELD - Welding and Joining
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2019-2020 College Catalog
> DMPT - Design and Media Production
DMPT - Design and Media Production
DMPT 1000
Intro/Design&Media Production
DMPT 1005
Vector Graphics
DMPT 1010
Raster Imaging
DMPT 1020
Introduction to Photography
DMPT 1025
Production Photography
DMPT 1040
Intro. to Animation
DMPT 1055
Intro to Media Technology
DMPT 1600
Intro. Video Production
DMPT 2105
Page Layout
DMPT 2110
Publication Design
DMPT 2120
Prepress and Output
DMPT 2125
Adv. Raster Imaging
DMPT 2135
Documentary Photography
DMPT 2200
Itnro to the Printing Industry
DMPT 2205
Basic Printing Operations
DMPT 2210
Intermed Print &Finishing Oper
DMPT 2215
Advanced Print&Post Prod Oper
DMPT 2300
Found of Interface Design
DMPT 2305
Web Interface Design
DMPT 2310
Animation for Web
DMPT 2315
Dynamic Web Design
DMPT 2320
Interactive Multimedia for Web
DMPT 2400
Basic 3D Modeling & Animation
DMPT 2405
Intermediate 3D Modeling
DMPT 2410
DMPT 2415
Character Rigging
DMPT 2420
3D Production & Animation
DMPT 2425
Effects Animation
DMPT 2440
Overview-Video Game Art Design
DMPT 2450
Animated Short Film Production
DMPT 2455
Animated Short Film Prod. II
DMPT 2610
VideoComposting&Broadcast Ani.
DMPT 2615
Intermediate Video
DMPT 2625
DVD Authoring
DMPT 2630
Post-Production Audio
DMPT 2640
Color Grading
DMPT 2660
Special Projects
DMPT 2700
Portraiture Photography
DMPT 2705
Photograph II
DMPT 2800
Intermediate Video Production
DMPT 2805
Narrative Flimmaking
DMPT 2810
Documentary Filmmaking
DMPT 2900
Practicum/Internship I
DMPT 2905
Practicum/Internship II
DMPT 2910
Practicum/Internship III
DMPT 2920
Practivum/Internship IV
DMPT 2930
Exit Review