2019-2020 College Catalog

Health Information Specialist- TCC

Program Description

The HIT Management certificate incorporates the education needed to orient a student toward Health information while at the same time preparing the student to perform the basic skills and knowledge needed to properly handle and prepare protected health data according to state and federal guidelines from initial contact until and after the patient is discharged from any type of healthcare facility. The curriculum focuses on: Health Information Management; Healthcare delivery systems; Data management, structure and content; Information technology systems; the American legal system, as it relates to the medical community; Liability, confidentiality and access to information; Electronic health records and Health information requirements. The certificate is designed to encourage student advancement in the field and preparation for an entry level position any many health care fields.

Occupational Trends

The rapid growth and increased demand for HIM professionals resulted in the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting a 49 percent growth in the number of HIM workers by 2010, making HIM one of the nation's fastest-growing health occupations. It is projected that 6,000 HIM professionals will be needed each year to fill new positions and replace vacant positions; however, currently only 2,000 new graduates enter the HIM field each year.

Education Programs

Most educational programs in this field are offered as an Associate Degree program or as certificate leading to a higher degree. Students are encouraged to enter these programs and sit for accrediting agency exams to become licensed in their specified area.

Job/Career Description

Health information management (HIM) is the practice of acquiring, analyzing, and protecting digital and traditional medical information vital to providing quality patient care. It is a combination of business, science, and information technology. HIM professionals are trained technology applications and understand the workflow in any healthcare provider organization. They are vital to the daily operations management of health information and electronic health records (EHRs). They ensure a patient's health information and records are complete, accurate, and protected. Health information management (HIM) professionals work in a variety of different settings and job titles and they connect clinical, operational, and administrative functions. HIM professionals work on the classification of diseases and treatments to ensure they are standardized for clinical, financial, and legal uses in healthcare. Health information professionals care for patients by caring for their medical data. They are responsible for the quality, integrity, and protection of patient's health information.

Admissions Requirements

Must be 16 years of age
Completion of high school diploma or GED and submission of official transcript required to apply
Achievement of minimum program admission scores in Reading, English, and Math
Transfer of previous post-secondary credits will be determined by the Office of Enrollment Services

Student Performance/Graduation Requirements

Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and complete all required courses to graduate.


1. Orientation
2. Healthcare Data
3. Legal System
4. Health Record
HIMT 1100Intro. to Health Info. Tech.


Select one of the following courses

HIMT 1150Computer Appls in Healthcare



ALHS 1090MedTerm/Allied Health Sciences


HIMT 1250Health Record Cont &Structure


HIMT 1200Legal Aspects of Healthcare


Total Credit Hours:10