2024-2025 College Catalog

Attendance Procedure

The educational programs at Atlanta Technical College reflect those requirements and standards that are necessary for future successful employment in business and industry. Employers expect their employees to be present and to be on time for work each and every day. Likewise, Atlanta Technical College expects each student to be present and to be on time each and every day for all classes. Absences prevent students from receiving full course benefits, disrupt orderly course progress, and diminish the quality of group interaction in class. The college considers both tardiness and early departure from class as forms of absenteeism.

Instructors have both the right and the responsibility to develop reasonable attendance expectations appropriate to the type, level, delivery method, and frequency of class meetings for their courses; communicate the expectations to students clearly via their syllabi addenda; and apply the consequences of failing to meet the expectations fairly and consistently to all enrolled students.

Instructors are responsible for determining whether work missed may be made up, and any make-up work allowed is scheduled at the discretion of instructors. Procedures for make-up work are detailed in syllabi addenda.

Documented absences for military duty, observed religious holidays, judicial proceedings in response to a subpoena, summons for jury duty, or other court-ordered process which requires the attendance of the student at the judicial proceeding are excused. Students absent from class for any reason are still responsible for all work missed. Students should enroll only in those classes that they can reasonably expect to attend on a regular basis.

Students who stop attending classes without officially withdrawing from class risk earning a final grade of F. If a student does not officially withdraw the instructor may issue a final grade of and the last date of attendance, which will be last day that the student attended class or participated in an academically related activity.

In the event of severe weather or other emergencies, students are expected to continue participating in learning activities via Blackboard, @student.atlantatech.edu email account, or other modality. Instructors provide information on their continuation of instruction plans in their syllabi addenda.

Failure to attend class the first week may result in students being turned in as no-shows. See No-Show Policy for further information.