2024-2025 College Catalog

Logistics Management Specialist TCC

Logistics Management Specialist TCC (Major Code: LM21)

Program Description

The Logistics Management Specialist TCC program is a sequence of courses that is designed to prepare students for employment in the field of business logistics. The program focuses on specific occupational courses in the area of logistics that provide an overview of the process from product idea conception to product delivery to the consumer.

This Program is Not Available for Financial AId.

Career Information


Dispatcher, Warehouse Clerk

Career Projections

The number of jobs in this field is expected to increase by 12% nationally and 19% in the State of Georgia over the next several years. Estimated salaries in this field start at $48,000 a year.
Labor market data was compiled using Economic Modeling Specialists, international and is updated annually.

Career Coach

Please select the following link to review additional career information on Career Coach.

Admission Requirements

General College Admissions Requirements

Program Contact Information

Von Gatewood

Program Coordinator, Supply Chain Management

Academic Building C2207B



Program Length and Cost

Minimum Program Length in Semester Terms: 2 terms
Program Credit Hours: 18
Estimated Program Cost: $3,684

Required Courses


Occupational Courses - (18 Credits)

COMP 1000Introduction to Computer Literacy


LOGI 1000Business Logistics


LOGI 1010Purchasing


LOGI 1020Materials Management


XXXX xxxx Advisor Guided Elective


Select one of the following courses

MGMT 1100Principles of Management



MGMT 2200Production/Operations Management


Total Credit Hours: 18

Program Outcomes

1. The graduate will be able to maintain inventory databases.
2. The graduate will be able to perform accurate purchasing procedures.
3. The graduate will be able demonstrate knowledge of effective use of different transportation options.