2024-2025 College Catalog

Library Services

Library Services


The mission of the Atlanta Technical College Library is to serve the educational and informational needs of its students, faculty and staff by: (1) providing organized access to information resources and services via qualified library staff; (2) careful selection of learning materials; (3) development of lifelong literacy skills for students to competently use throughout their lives; (4) providing access to collections and databases from any location, and (5) continuously update equipment, technology, and physical facilities as demanded by the needs of its users. These activities will insure the delivery of quality credit programs to prepare a highly skilled workforce that meets the needs of the Atlanta metropolitan business and industry communities, and the community at large.

Location: Building G

Phone: 404.225.4595

Library Website

Hours and Location

Contact Us

Library Staff

Library assistance is readily available for reference inquiries and with patron records, circulation, reserves, and interlibrary loan processes. Library staff also coordinates library orientations and bibliographic instruction sessions in the use of GALILEO, the Internet, online catalog, print, and A/V resources.

Library Operation Guidelines

  • Have your current Atlanta Technical College Picture Identification (ID) Card available whenever you visit the library.
  • Present your card each time you want to borrow materials.
  • Food and Drinks are restricted to the library’s Nook (periodicals) section and prohibited from the computer lab and areas.
  • Reference materials, videos, and periodicals do not circulate.
  • Circulation items may be checked out for two weeks and renewed once.
  • You are responsible for items checked out on your card.
  • Fines of 20¢ per school day are assessed for overdue items. The fine is payable upon the return of the item.
  • An adult must remain with children at all times. You must provide supervision and/or materials for their use while in the library. Our computers are for student use only.
  • There is an unlimited time on all workstations in the library computer lab.
  • Keep cell phones on vibrate, silent or off.
  • With your library privileges, you agree to abide by the Atlanta Technical College acceptable use policy and avoid using the computers to access Internet sites that may be considered pornographic, lewd, or obscene.
  • NOTE: Set up a library account at the Circulation Desk and a printing account at the print management system, Pharos, located at the Self-Service area.

Who may use the library?

The library is open to the public. Enrolled students with a valid Atlanta Technical College picture ID card can borrow books. Current faculty and staff with a valid Atlanta Technical College picture ID can borrow books, videos, and equipment, and upon request other available print and non-print materials.

Library Card

A current and valid Atlanta Technical College picture ID will serve as the library card for all faculty, students and staff. Library cards are used for borrowing materials and accessing other library and media resources. You will need proof of enrollment each semester to activate your library account.

The library collection contains over 51,000 items, including print and non-print materials, books, periodicals, newspapers, and videotapes and audio tapes. The library collection also includes over 30,000 eBooks. In addition to the computer lab in the academic Building, there are 200 workstations available in the library computer lab with online capabilities. These workstations provide access to the library’s online catalog (OPAC), the Internet, Microsoft Office Suite, and research databases (GALILEO). All workstations have word processing, spreadsheet, and database software capabilities.

The Library offers a variety of instructional programs and services. Online tutorials, research related resources and research instruction are available to students, faculty and staff. Library orientation and bibliographic instruction are available to all by appointment. The library staff recommends that instructors schedule customized library instruction for their students during class sessions.

Printed instructional guides and brochures are available during library hours. However, with online capabilities, database tutorials, library orientation and search techniques instruction for research can be accessed remotely at any time.

User’s Conduct and Responsibilities

It is the user’s responsibility to maintain proper standards of behavior in order to protect individual rights and privileges of other library patrons. If a user becomes a public nuisance, they may be asked to leave the facility.

Children in Library

Children must be supervised at all time. While children may remain in the library with an adult, they are not allowed to use the computers.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a free service for faculty, students and staff of Atlanta Technical College. As a member of the Georgia Online Database (GOLD) and the Library Network LYRASIS, the library is able to access, request and borrow resources from other libraries across the region and state by means of a computer database.

A patron can request any journal or book, but not all materials requested are available. The Atlanta Technical College library is subject to the restrictions of the lending institutions regarding items requested, the loan period and renewals. Students, faculty, and staff can only use Interlibrary Loan for books, periodicals, or individual articles that cannot be obtained online in full text.

Each institution has a different lending (ILL) policy. It is important to complete the necessary forms and be in contact with library staff during this process. ATC Interlibrary Loan service must be returned promptly when due.

Non-circulating Materials

Reference materials and periodicals do not circulate for students. Reference materials include almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories, maps and atlases.


Instructors can place books, periodicals, articles, and videotapes on reserve each semester for student use. Reserve means that the requested materials are available for two-hour use in the library only. If the patron keeps the library material beyond the two-hour time limit, he/she will be assessed a fine of $.50 for each hour over the time limit.

Book Returns and Fines

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure the return of the library materials by the due date and in the same condition as when they were checked out. Books may be returned at the Circulation Desk in the library or in the Book Return Drop Box at the front entrance of the Academic Complex Building.

  • The charge for an overdue book is 20¢ per day after the initial two-week checkout period.
  • The charge for a lost book is the cost of the book. The late fee is waived.
  • All fines must be paid in full by the last day of the semester. Students with outstanding library fines will have a hold placed on their account and will not be able to conduct school transactions such as registration.

Food and Drink

Food and drink are ONLY allowed in the library’s Nook (periodicals) area and prohibited from the computer lab and areas. Enclosed drinks (such as plastic capped bottles or cups) are permissible.

Noise and Cell Phones

While in the library, people expect to find a quiet place for research, study, and concentration. Everyone in the library should be considerate of those around them. If you are being disturbed, remind the person that this area is intended for quiet study. If this does not resolve the problem, please contact a library staff member. Upon entering the library, please turn cell telephone off or set ringer to “silent” or “vibrate” mode.

Printing and Photocopying

The Atlanta Technical College library uses the Pharos system for payment for printing from the computer workstations and for all photocopying. Library printing and photocopying services are fee-based and available through your Atlanta Technical College student ID and library account. Payment is transacted using the barcode on the Atlanta Technical College student ID.

  • Black and white printing is available for 5¢ per page.
  • Color printing is available for 50¢ per page.
  • Photocopying is 10¢ per page.
  • 10¢ per page for 11 X 17 copies.

GALILEO and the Internet

Atlanta Technical College enhances its library and learning resources through a collaborative effort with state institutions through Georgia Library Learning Online (GALILEO). GALILEO is a World Wide Web based virtual library sponsored by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. It provides access to multiple information resources locally and remotely. These resources include secured access to licensed databases that include over 20,000 full text journals. As a participating institution, Atlanta Technical College students, faculty, and staff have access to over 200 databases indexing thousands of periodicals, scholarly journals, and other reference materials such as encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications and other recommended Internet sites.

The Atlanta Technical College library uses Library of Congress classification systems. The Library of Congress Classification system is an alphabetical and numeric system that also creates call numbers to identify each book or item in the library.


Library of Congress Classification System Information
Books in the Atlanta Technical College Library Congress Call Numbers.Each letter or two letter combination represents a subject area.To find the call number of a book Catalog (OPAC) at Please visit the ATC Library homepage.
A: General Works
AE: Encyclopedias
AG: Dictionaries
H: Social Sciences
HG: Finance
HM: Sociology
HN: Social History
Q: Science
QA75-76: Computer Software
QA150-272: Mathematics - Algebra
QM: Human Anatomy
B: Philosophy, Psychology,
BF: Psychology
BJ: Ethics
J: Political Science
JS: Local government
JV: Emigration & Immigration
R: Medicine
RA: Public Health
RC: Internal Medicine
RK: Dentistry
RM: Pharmacology
RT: Nursing
C: Auxiliary Sciences of History
CB: History of Civilization
CT: Biography
K: Law K85-89: Legal research
K3154-3370: Constitutional law
K3615-3622: Food, Drugs, Cosmetics
S: Agriculture
SF: Pharmacology
D: History (General) and History of Europe
DA: Great Britain
DS: Asia
DT: Africa
L: Education
LB1139.2-1139.9: Early childhood education LB3011-3095: School management and discipline
T: Technology
TH: Building Construction
TL: Motor Vehicles
TX: Home Economics - Culinary
E: History: America
E184.5-185.98: Afro-Americans
E337 – 738: Nineteenth Century
E740-889: Twentieth Century
M: Music, Books on Music
ML: Literature on music
U: Military Science
UA: Army: Organization, distribution, military situation
F: History: America
F: Local, Regional
F281-295: Georgia
N: Fine Arts
N: Visual Arts
NA: Architecture
V: Naval Science
VA: Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation
G: Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
G: Atlas & Maps
GE: Environment
GN: Race & Culture
GT: Church
GV: Sports & Games
P: Language, Literature
PE: English, grammar
PN: American literature
PN1008.2-1009.5: Juvenile literature
PS: American literature
PZ: Fiction & Juvenile
Z: Bibliography, Library Science Information Resources (General)
ZA: Information resources

Tips for Finding Books on the Shelf Read call numbers line by line.

Read the first line in alphabetical order: A, B, BF, C, D... L, LA, LB, LC, M, ML
Read the second line as a whole number: 1, 2, 3, 45, 100, 101, 1000, 2000, 2430
The third line is a combination of a letter and numbers. Read the letter alphabetically. Read the number as a decimal, e.g.: .C65 = .65 C724 = .724
The last line is the year the book was published. Read in chronological order: 1985, 1991, 1992