2019-2020 College Catalog

Digital Illustration Specialist TCC

Program Description (Major Code: DI21)

This certificate program is designed to train students how to draw in a digital workspace for greater manipulation and creative effect. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well basic manual drawing skills. From there, students will learn advanced digital drawing techniques as they apply to marketing and advertising, logo design, and even digital entertainment. Graduates will be prepared for entry level positions in sign and print shops, as well as some corporate firms looking for this specific skill set.

Admissions Requirements

  • Must be 16 years of age
  • Completion of high school diploma or GED and submission of official transcript required to apply
  • Achievement of minimum program admission scores in Reading, English, and Math
  • Transfer of previous post-secondary credits will be determined by the Office of Enrollment Services

Student Performance/Graduation Requirements: Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and complete all required courses to graduate.

Course Outline

DMPT 1005Vector Graphics


DMPT 1010Raster Imaging


DMPT 1015Drawing


DMPT 1055Intro to Media Technology


DMPT 2100Identity Design


DMPT 2130Adv. Vector Graphics